From inter-church
aid to jubilee: a brief history of ecumenical diakonia in the WCC
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Diakonia 2000. Called to be neighbours. Official Report, Larnaca
Consultation, 1986.
the report
Larnaca Declaration
"Guidelines for sharing", in Sharing for Life,
the report of the El Escorial consultation. 1987
is diakonia?", and "Women and diakonia", in No boundaries to compassion?
An exploration of women, gender and diakonia, by Myra Blyth and Wendy
S. Robins. 1988.
to Jubilee. Strategies for Hope in Times of Crisis. The 1998 seven-Year
Review of the World Council of Churches Programme on Sharing and Service.
WCC, Geneva, 1999.
Approaches to Development. Ecumenical Formation Seminar Report, 13-18
May 1996, Château de Bossey, Switzerland. WCC Programme Unit IV
- Sharing and Service.
Table Guidelines, adopted by the WCC Unit IV Commission, Alexandria, Egypt,
June 1995.
agenda for jubilee", in Not angels but agencies: The ecumenical
response to poverty - a primer, by Michael Taylor. SCM/WCC, Geneva,