child, India

girls fetching water from well and water canal system re-established
by ACT members in co-operation with villagers (2001)

Christopher's home for girls on the outskirts of Suva, Fiji
The rights and dignity of children (marginalized children).
2 Children’s active participation in meetings together with
3 Church and interfaith participation in dialogue on the issue of
working group organized international consultations held in 1996
(Geneva), 1997 (Brazil) and 2000 (Geneva) focussing mainly on forming
a network for the exchange of experiences, resources and understanding
between the children themselves and Christian groups working with
The Padare Programme at the 1998 WCC Assembly in Harare gave momentum
to the "‘Dignity of Children" programme as it displayed
the role that WCC could play in co-ordination and mediation between children,
member churches and other ecumenical bodies working with children, and
in equipping member churches to approach the children’s issues.
2001, the WCC regional desks have taken over the responsibility
for the "Dignity of Chidren" programme. These region-based
programmes have focused on bringing together and motivating churches
and church-related organization who are already working - or would
like to work - with marginalized children.
WCC Asia desk and the Christian Conference of Asia(CCA) organised
an inter-regional consultation from 21-25 January 2004 in Mumbai
on the theme "Affirming the fullness of life and dignity of
children" with a special focus on street children. This consultation
attempted to:
participants’ understanding of the effects of globalization
on children and therefore empower Asian churches in their ministry
with children, especially street children.
the sharing of experiences
a. from other regions, such as Africa, Latin America, the Pacific,
the Caribbean and Europe, especially regarding work with street children,
in order to strengthen such work in Asia.
b. from within Asia, particularly from the National Networks in order
to give national perspectives
c. from children themselves.
explore the theological response to the Convention of the Rights
of the Child.
strategies to equip church-related organizations, institutions and
children to address the issues of globalization and the effects
it has on children and, in particular, street children in their
respective contexts in Asian countries.
report of the consultation
Global Movement for Children
Child Rights Information Network
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Global Network of Religions for Children
Viva Network
International Catholic Children's Bureau |