Russian Orthodox Church farming school
near Smolensk

Relief for Bangladesh flood victims provided
via Action by Churches Together (ACT) (1998)
1986 world consultation on Diakonia 2000, Larnaca, 1986.
Camp for Internally Displaced People
southeast of Kenema, Sierra Leone (2001)

Click on a region for information
on the work of
wcc's regional desks
The aim of the Diakonia & Solidarity team is to empower marginalized
groups, including uprooted people, in their struggles for dignity
and sustainable communities.
works towards this aim by attempting to strengthen ecumenical cooperation
and witness in diakonia and solidarity, and to nurture just relationships
within the ecumenical family.
this overall aim,
the team's activities are directed towards four specific objectives:
relationships among member churches, regional ecumenical
organizations and ecumenical development agencies for common witness,
particularly in the area of diakonia and solidarity;
spaces for reflection, analysis, mediation and action on
ecumenical diakonia and development at the national, regional and
global levels;
communities in their daily struggle for dignity and life,
both "abundant" and sustainable;
the capacities of member churches and partner organizations
to use sustainable and holistic methodologies in their diaconal
a coherent and holistic approach to meet human needs that
integrates relief, rehabilitation, development and reconciliation.
and values:
The term "diakonia" refers
to service as a permanent activity of the church throughout history.
Diakonia is essential and foundational to life in faith. The very
existence of a fellowship of churches is impossible to imagine without
compassionate service and solidarity for all, based on God's love.
the years, the concept of diakonia has expanded from being viewed
solely as a service of compassion to include working for change
in relationships and social structures.
1986 consultation on "Diakonia 2000: Called
to be Neighbours" broadened the meaning of diakonia. The concept
became more comprehensive and holistic, taking into account spiritual
as well as material needs, and stressing the importance of local
expressions of diakonia.
The 1987 consultation on Kononia: "Sharing
Life in a World Community" focused on the conjunction
of diakonia and koinonia, of service and communion, in
the sense of solidarity and mutual commitment.
continues on the meaning of diakonia in today's diverse world.
It can be said that ecumenical diakonia today must respond
to our contexts, global and local
is a call to
participate in God's mission
is prophetic
is transformative
and justice-seeking
inseparable from koinonia
is global diakonia
and is for all people and all of creation
is about healing,
reconciliation and reconstruction
is about building
just relationships, mutuality and sharing.