diakonia & solidarity
pacific desk

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Known as "the liquid continent", the Pacific has a total area of 155.557 million square kilometres, including an estimated 157,000 km of coastline. This gigantic water-covered continent is larger than the total land mass of the world.

The total population of the Pacific is 7 million, with 85% in Melanesia, 6% in Micronesia, and 9% in Polynesia. Papua New Guinea with 6 million inhabitants has the largest population; Tokelau with 1445 has the smallest; between them come: Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Niue, Nauru, Tuvalu, Kiribati, Fed. States of Micronesia, Palau, Guam, Cook Islands, French Polynesia.

95% of the population of the Pacific are Christians from various denominations: Methodist, Reformed, Anglican, Congregational, Lutheran, Catholic, Protestant. The Pacific Conference of Churches was created in 1961; in 1976, the Pacific Catholic Bishops' Conference became a full member.

The majority of the countries of the Pacific have a gross domestic product (GPD) per capita of not more than US$2,600. The cost of living is high because of the narrow production base and consequent dependence on imported goods. Many Pacific countries thus have high indices of human poverty.

pacific desk

United Church, Munda, New Georgia Island, Solomon Islands

Bus terminal, Suva, Fiji

Sawmill in Honiara, Solomon Islands

Main geopolitical issues

  • Climate change and the environment
  • Effects of economic and social globalization
  • Human and Indigenous Peoples' rights
  • Self-determination
  • Compensation for the victims of nuclear testing
  • Bio-piracy and the safeguarding of Indigenous knowledge of flora and fauna
  • Regional economic integration
  • Main ecumenical issues

  • The role of the church in society
  • The church and globalization
  • How to revitalize the ecumenical movement in the Pacific
  • Ecumenical theological education

    Protest against violence against women, Suva, Fiji








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