International Review of Mission - IRM CONTACT - the health and community development magazine of the
World Council of Churches. CONTACT deals with various aspects of
the churches' and communities' involvement in health, and seeks to report
topical, innovative and courageous approaches to the promotion of health
and healing. Published in English, French and Spanish. Available online
or by subscription.
Ecumenical Letter on Evangelism - published twice to four times
a year in English, French and German; subscriptions and copies from Fernande
Chandrasekharan of the Mission and Evangelism Team. Back issues of the
Letter are available online in English,
French, Spanish and German.
Towards Common Witness - A call to adopt responsible relationships
in mission and to renounce proselytism - A document commended to the
churches by the WCC Central Committee, September 1997. Available online
in English, French,
German and Spanish.
Gospel and Cultures Pamphlets - numbers 1-18. English, available
from WCC Publications. Click here for more information.
A "Plan of Action", developed by African and international church leaders and African ecumenical organizations at a November 2001 global consultation on "Ecumenical Responses to the Challenges of HIV/AIDS in Africa" in Nairobi, called for the setting up of an enabling support structure under the WCC, now known as the EHAIA. (en français) (en español) (en portugues) Facing AIDS - The Challenge, the Churches' Response - a WCC Study Document. Available from WCC Publications (1997). Click here for more information. (Information en français) Facing AIDS - Guidelines: Education in the Context of Vulnerability HIV/AIDS. Click here for more information. Available from the Mission and Evangelism Team. (en français) ( en espanol)