The Special Fund to Combat Racism
an opportunity for you to contribute

Countries where grants have been made

The WCC’s Special Fund to Combat Racism has a unique place in the history of the WCC. For over thirty years contributions to the Fund have been distributed to groups and organisations of the racially oppressed, anti-racism groups and support organisations. To date US$14 million has been allocated, in over 1400 grants in 50 countries.

From its inception the Special Fund was seen as the public expression of the WCC member churches’ commitment to eradicate racism. In its early years the regular grants to liberation movements in Southern Africa were a source of controversy and fierce debate among the member churches.

The number and size of the annual grants depends entirely on the number of church, public and private donations received during the year.

Applications for grants from the Special Fund can be made to the Justice, Peace and Creation team no later than the 31st of May each year (this year the deadline is set for 31st of July, exceptionally). The approved list of grants is announced in December.

Financial contributions to the Special Fund can be sent to:
Postal cheque account - Compte de chèques postaux: Genève 12-572-3 or
Union de Banques Suisses (UBS) SA, C.P.,
1211 Geneva, Switzerland
Swiss franc account no.: 695.149.00A US$ account no.: 695.149.60X

Please mention: donation to the Special Fund to Combat Racism

Table of Contents // Editorial // Environmental racism: old wine in a new bottle by Deborah M. Robinson // Racial Violence, by Mukami McCrum // Interview with M. Deenabandhu On the subject of casteism // Redefining understandings of racism, by N. Barney Pityana // Theological deconstruction and reconstruction in the fight against racism by Maria-Cristina Ventura // Ethnicity and racism by Steve Fenton // Inter-racial church Communities, by Rev. Marjorie Lewis-Cooper // Rio de Janeiro Declaration // The WCC Special Fund to Combat Racism // Two groups who received a Special Fund grant // The UN World Conference against Racism and the WCC Ecumenical Study Process on Racism // SISTERS in the struggle to Eliminate Racism and Sexism by Sammy Toineeta, Betty Ruth Lozana Lerma, Silvia Regina // Publications

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