About the chair... |
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Landmines Campaign Still Needs the Churches!" is a common publication of the Lutheran
World Federation, the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the World Council of
For more information and correspondence, or if you would like to order
printed copies of the booklet (in English, French, German or Spanish),
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)
World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC)
World Council of Churches (WCC)
Contents may be reproduced and translated without permission.
This text was prepared by Mariette Grange and Rebecca Larson. (May
1998) |
NOBEL PEACE PRIZE In December of 1997 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and to its coordinator Jody Williams.
The choice of this campaign by the Nobel committee was significant in two ways:
This landmark treaty, entitled: "Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling,
Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on their Destruction" set an
international norm of illegality for the use, stockpiling, production and trade of landmines. The
treaty also bound countries to attend to the urgent need for demining and victim
Many churches and church related organisations,
including the Lutheran World Federation, (LWF), the World Alliance of Reformed Churches
(WARC) and the World Council of Churches (WCC), have been very involved in the
International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) particularly over the last four years. This
involvement has included educational work to stigmatise landmines in the public
consciousness, and advocacy work to bring governments to the table to sign the treaty ban. In
the field it has involved programmes of demining and support for victims.
The statistics are sobering.....
A growing child's artifical limb should be replaced every six to twelve months and an adult's
once every three to five years.
A large number of victims are alone and in isolated places when they are injured. An ICRC
docctor estimates that up to 50% of mine victims die within hours of the blast.
Landmine infestation around strategic sties can deny access to safe drinking water, arable land
and prevent mobile rural vaccination teams from going their rounds.
Over the last 55 years, anti-personnel mines have caused more deaths and injuries than
nuclear, biological and chemical weapons combined.
The International Committee of the Red Cross estimates that 800 people are killed by mines
every month and another 1200 are maimed, a total of 2000 victims a month and close to
25,000 a year.
The UNICEF estimates that of these victims, 5000 to 6000 are children.
The International Campaign to Ban Landmines is a united coalition of over 1000 human rights,
humanitarian, children's, peace, veterans, medical, development, demining, arms control,
religious, environmental and women's groups in 60 national campaigns committed to the goal
of the total elimination of anti-personnel landmines.
At its recent General meeting in Frankfurt, Germany, February 1998, the ICBL agreed upon
its priorities for 1998 in three main areas of work. It will work to universalise the
treaty and it will explore a role for its members in monitoring the treaty. It will strengthen the
advocacy work of the other two key pillars of the campaign - assistance and
humanitarian mine clearance.
The ICBL coordination committee consists of the six founding organisations plus the Afghan
Campaign to Ban Landmines, the Association to Aid Refugees - Japan, the Cambodia
Campaign to Ban Landmines, the Colombian Campaign Against Landmines, the Inter-African
Union of Human Rights, the Kenya Coalition Against Landmines, the Landmine Survivors
Network, the Lutheran World Federation, Norwegian People's Aid and the South African
Campaign to Ban Landmines.
Three International Ambassadors represent the ICBL in public and political fora, Jody
Williams, co-recipient of the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize, Rae McGrath and Tun
Lloyd Axworthy
Countries must be encouraged to:
Strategy ONE
Governments which signed expressed their intention to become a State party at some future
date and are obliged to take no action which would undermine the object and purpose of the
The Convention remains open for signature by States at the United Nations headquarters in
New York, until its entry into force, when it officially becomes international law. The treaty
will enter into force 6 months after 40 ratifications have been achieved.
If your government has not signed the Convention, raise awareness on the urgent need for a
landmines ban with the general public, members of government, members of parliament
(through direct representations, rallies, meetings, prayer vigils and fasting, awareness-raising
with the press etc.).
Handicap International (English and French):
Human Rights Watch (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish):
International Committee of the Red Cross (English and French):
International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) (English):
Mennonite Central Committee Landmines Page (English):
Stiftung Menschen gegen Minen (The Humanitarian Foundation of People against
Landmines) (English, German):
Governments which ratify that treaty undertake a wide range of commitments. Among other
things, the country must ensure that anti-personnel mines are no longer used as weapons by its
armed forces, end the development and production of these devices, destroy any stockpiles,
and identify, mark, and clear mined areas. In many countries, implementing these obligations
will require significant technical, legal and financial assistance.
Strategy THREE
Although countries from all regions of the world supported the Ottawa process, some of the
world's major landmine producers, exporters and users did not actively participate in the
negotiation of the Ottawa treaty and are unlikely to adhere to it at the outset. Every effort
must be made to encourage these countries to join ranks with the rest of the international
community and prohibit anti-personnel landmines so that the Ottawa treaty is universally
respected in the near future.
The Ottawa treaty is only one of the essential measures needed to address the landmine
contamination problem. Vast numbers of people continue to live in mine-affected areas under
daily threat from these weapons. Most landmines victims continue to have unmet medical,
rehabilitative, social and economic needs which must be dealt with effectively.
Landmines are a man-made epidemic. Similarly, the solutions to this epidemic lie in our own
hands. The Ottowa treaty is an important step, but only a first one.
Continue to monitor, monitor, monitor...!
The language used to describe the global humanitarian
crisis of anti-personnel landmines is not new. It is the same language used by the human
community some seventy years ago to condemn chemical weapons. The language is moral, not
military; ethical not strategic. One could even say it is "church" language in that it calls into
question fundamental values and practices of human life and community.
The words used are these:
Anti-personnel landmines are morally repugnant to the consciousness of humankind
and as such must be condemned.
These are the words with which the world denounced the use of chemical
weapons after the first world war. Now, some four generations later, these words and this
sentiment is again evoked in an attempt to reveal the needless and horrific damage caused by
these small but lethal weapons.
Since the time of the first world war, however, the rules of war have changed. Not longer do
most conflicts take place between nations. Vicious internal civil strife is the norm where
traditional codes of military conflict are irrelevant and the maiming and killing of civilians
becomes the strategy of choice. In such situations anti-personnel landmines become the
weapon of choice - and remain in the ground for generations after the conflict has ceased.
What is the role of churches in this situation of changed and changing warfare? Clearly, there
is a need for churches to be heard concerning issues which are morally repugnant to
humankind. Can the global Christian community assist in eliminating the production and use of
these weapons? Can the global Christian community assist in the healing of people's bodies
and of reconciliation between people and nations?
The prophet Isaiah offers one image which can serve as a model for churches's response
(Isaiah 2:1-4) Here Isaiah describes the Lord's house established on the highest mountain. It is
a place of refuge, sanctuary, healing and teaching. Many people, and all the nations "stream to
this holy mountain". And in so doing, they turn from war:
But what is one to do when the soldiers go home, but the war remains? How does one turn
swords into ploughshares when the fields are inaccessible to farmers because in their rich soil
the war goes on? How does one turn anti-personnel landmines, which are the twenty-first
century equivalent of swords, into tools for peace?
In Cambodia, one attempt is being made to do just that. In his book War of the Mines author
Paul Davies describes this scene:
However, some of their stock reaches two smelting yards in Battambang. There scrap,
including POMZ-2s is melted down, and cast into various pieces of agricultural equipment,
including metal cutting teeth for the traditional bullock drawn wooden Cambodian ploughs
that cut through the rich soils of Battambang. (Page 519)
The second and ultimately the only way for churches to assist in the
transfer of these tools of war into the agricultural and community instruments of peace is to
denounce them in clear and public ways as morally repugnant to the consciousness of
humankind and to God's gracious intention and action of creation.
Churches can - and should - seek public places in which to stigmatise these weapons. This can
be done in dialogue with governments, in newspapers and in discussion groups. Churches
should join with other groups and people of good will to ensure the end of their production
and use. They should pray fervently, for victims and victimisers alike. They should seek ways
to be agents for peace and reconciliation.
This booklet provides information to assist churches in speaking out against anti-personnel
landmines. At least in reference to these weapons, there is a role for churches to play to find
ways to convert these swords into tools and instruments for peace and development.
The problem of anti-personnel landmines is
fundamentally humanitarian. These weapons of war kill in peacetime. Designed for soldiers,
they kill and injure women and children. It is because of the indiscriminate humanitarian effects
of these weapons that they are now banned in international law. Millions of mines are scattered over 70 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, the
Middle East and the Americas. The most severely affected countries are Afghanistan, Angola,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, Croatia, Eritrea, Iraq (Kurdistan), Mozambique, Somalia,
Sudan and Viet Nam.
In the course of 1991, several non-governmental
organisations and individuals began simultaneously to discuss the necessity of coordinating
initiatives and calls for a ban on anti-personnel landmines. Handicap International, Human
Rights Watch, Medico International, Mines Advisory Group, Physicians for Human Rights and
Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation came together in October 1992 to formalise the
International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL).
Together we have begun to map out a way for the international community
to move forward together in a coherent and coordinated way to promote and ensure the
speedy and effective entry into force and ongoing implementation of the new convention. [...]
I would also like us to remind ourselves that this was just the beginning. It is an ongoing
commitment to partnership and cooperation that will enable us to succeed in meeting our goal
of a world finally freed from the fear and suffering of anti-personnel mines.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada
Ottawa closing speech, December 4, 1997WHAT IS OUR STRATEGY?
While the negotiation of the Ottawa treaty is an historic
landmark in the battle against the scourge of landmines, a tremendous amount of work
remains to be done before the threat of these weapons and their appalling humanitarian
consequences are effectively tackled.
Monitor the 125 governments which signed the Ottawa treaty.Action:
Look at the list of signatories to the Convention (see Appendix II) to see if your government has signed the treaty;
useful Websites
Safe Lane (Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs) (English and French):
Press governments for early ratification and implementation of the treaty's
If your government has signed the Convention:
Work for universalisation of the treaty.Action:
Strategy FOUR
If your country has neither signed nor ratified the Convention:
Increase government support for mine-clearance and victim assistance
IF SWORDS REMAIN IN THE GROUND...they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and
their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they
learn war any more (Isaiah 2:4)
One task of the church is to seek ways for nations to turn from activities of
war to the "quiet miracle of daily life" of peacetime; to turn instruments of war into
instruments of peace; to make the killing fields once again bear bountiful harvest so the people
may be fed.One of the most striking, and hopeful, images for the
future...was during one of my last days in Battambang. Traders, armed with old bicycles and
huge bamboo panniers, cycle out into
areas such as Rattanak Mondul, and buy up the metal debris of war from villagers who have
been reclaiming their land. In particular, the metal fragmentation casings of the Soviet
POMZ-2 mines are favoured. Back in Battambang they are sold on to scrap dealers who
supply smelting works in Phnom Penh.
Today we pray specially
for a world of peace, a world free to celebrate and dance, a world free from mines. We pray for families who have members killed by landmines. Comfort them. We pray for children, women and man struggling to build a new life. Give them courage. We pray for a change of heart for the producers of landmines. May they use their engineering and business skills for development, not war. We pray for the deminers. Grant them safety and perseverance in their holy work. We pray for countries severely afflicted by landmines. May their lands be abundant with rice and corn and food, not desecrated by landmines. We pray for heads of governments. May they ban mines and give funds for demining and for victims assistance. Dear God, thank you for your loving kindness. Forgive our faults; and help us to do good, not evil. |
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He was a solitary figure slowing making his way up and down the rows of vegetables. Occasionally he stopped to turn a leaf or examine the progress of his crop a little closer. His movement was slow, perhaps because of the heat of the day, but primarily because he had only one leg and relied on his shaky wooden crutch to move him along. His other leg had been removed at the hip and as his vegetable garden was alongside Route Ten in the North West of Cambodia one could only assume he was the victim of a landmine accident. This was further confirmed by the brightly colored red and white ribbons which surrounded his house, his neat vegetable rows, his path to the water pump and his access to the road. The simply stated signs, "Beware Mines", hung on every fence post, every tree and on small sticks around the base of his house. |
I did not go to meet them. Our group was not allowed to leave the road. This whole area is extremely dangerous, they told us. One of the group had already taken two steps off the road in order to find some more shade but was yanked back towards the cars. "Don't you realize that mines are laid everywhere along this road - do not take any risks." Good advice for a group of what you might call war tourists who had come to survey the damage of years of warfare on contested land. We looked on at the family in silence - it was bit like looking at animals in the zoo. Animals who had no way out, prisoners unable to walk the earth freely and with confidence.
We were told not to take any risks, but what choice did they have? Having to flee conflict after conflict, letting armies shell the fields, drive tanks through the waterways and finally to lay mines in any piece of penetrable land. Nowhere was safe for this family - just stepping outside their house was a risk in itself. As we moved along Route Ten we found it is not just fields, but rivers, bridges, schools, temples, ponds, side roads - places of learning, of farming, of fishing, of worship.
But why do they stay? Where else do they have to go? Who will take them in? Who will provide food, plant rice for them or house them, long after the conflict had ended? In a country stricken with poverty, who will employ a one-legged farmer, or with what resources can he move his family to safer ground? Who would be willing to share their small patches of land to accommodate this one family, or for that matter the hundreds of other families who live in the same conditions? How long will it be before a de-mining team arrives in their area to liberate them from the silent killers?
As a landmine campaigner I have written in various forums - Support Victim Assistance, Give Money for De-mining, Stop the Use of Landmines. They were for so long words on a paper, miles from those affected by the situation. Now I realize it is the people miles from the situation who can make a difference, who can persuade governments to clean up their act, who can give a dollar here and a dollar there to de-mining organizations who can generate opportunities for families and farmers such as those along Route Ten.
4-6 million land mines lay under the earth in Cambodia. They say it might take 25 years to clear them all. Hundreds more farmers, soldiers, women, children, and animals fall victim to this deadly, indiscriminate weapon every year. How long will we allow families such as this to live in ongoing fear, as prisoners in their own home, taking risks daily in order to survive? Or do we in the West, in East, in the North and in the South have a serious case of out of sight, out of mind?
Emma Leslie
Frontier Intern in Mission
Working in Cambodia with the Cambodia Ecumenical Center
Lord, how can I serve you without arms?
How can I walk in your way without feet?
I was collecting sticks for the fire when I lost my arms.
I was taking the goats to water when I lost my feet.
I have a head but my head does not understand why
there are landmines in the grazing land or why
there is a trip wire across the dusty road to the market.My heart is filled with a long ache. I want to share
your pain but I cannot. It is too deep for me. You
look at me but I cannot bear your gaze. The arms
factory provides a job for my son and my taxes paid
for the development of "smart" bombs. I did not
protest when the soldiers planted fear into the earth
that smothers the old people and the anxious
mothers, and fills the young man with hate.Lord, we are all accomplices in the crime of war
which is a lust for power at all costs. The cost is too
much for humanity to bear.
Lord, give us back our humanity, our ubuntu...
Teach us to serve you without arms. Amen
Most Rev. Desmond M. Tutu