WCC - Reader
David Wellman, Sustainable Communities, Geneva/New York: WCC 2001
Other WCC Publications
Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, Redeeming the Creation. The Rio Earth Summit: Challenges to the Churches, Geneva: WCC, 1992
David G. Hallman, Ecotheology. Voices from South and North, Geneva: WCC, Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books, 1994
Larry L. Rasmussen, Earth Community, Earth Ethics, Geneva: WCC, Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books, 1996
The Churches and Climate Change, The Ecumenical Review 49, #2, Geneva: WCC 1997
WCC (ed), Climate Change and the quest for Sustainable Societies, Geneva: WCC, 1998
WCC (ed), Mobility. Prospects of sustainable mobility, Geneva: WCC, 1998
WCC (ed), The Earth’s Atmosphere. Responsible Caring and Equitable Sharing for a Global Commons, Geneva: WCC, 2000
David Hallman, Spiritual Values for Earth Community, Geneva: WCC 2000
Reports of the Visser t’Hooft Memorial Consultations
Books published with WCC involvement
Jace Weaver (ed), Defending Mother Earth. Native American Perspectives on Environmental Justice, Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books, 1996
Dieter T. Hessel (ed), Theology for Earth Community. A Field Guide, Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books, 1996
Jose Pepito M. Cunanan, A Bible Scan of Ecological and Environmental Disasters: Genesis to Revelation, Hongkong: CCA, 1997
CCA (ed), Climate Change: A Challenge to Sustainable Development in Asia, Hongkong: CCA, 1998
Donald B. Conroy and Rodney L. Petersen, Earth at Risk, New York: Humanity Books 2000
Samson K. Gitau, The Environment Crisis. A Challenge for African Christianity, Nairobi: Acton Publishers, 2000
Dieter T. Hessel and Rosemary Radford Ruether, Christianity and Ecology, Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press, 2000
J.N.K. Mugambi and Mika Vähäkangas, Christian Theology and Environmental Responsibility, Nairobi: Acton Publishers, 2001
Dieter T. Hessel and Larry Rasmussen (eds), Earth Habitat. Eco-Injustice and the Church’s Response, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001
Some books recommended for further reading:
Leonardo Boff, Ecology and Liberation: A new Paradigm, Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books, 1995
LeonardoBoff, Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor, Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books, 1997
Pamela K. Brubaker, Globalization at What Price? Economic Change and Daily Life, Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 2001
John B. Cobb Jr., Sustainability. Economics. Ecology, and Justice, Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books, 1992
Richard Dickinson, Economic Globalization, Geneva: WCC, 1998
Karen Baker-Fletcher, Sisters of Dust, Sisters of Spirit: Womanist Wordings on God and Creation, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1998
Gennadios Limouris: Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation: Orthodox Perspective, Geneva: WCC, 1990
Sean McDonagh, The Greening of the Church, Maryknoll NY: Orbis Books, 1990
Sean Mc Donagh, Passion for the Earth: The Christian Vocation to Promote Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, London: Geoffry Chapman, 1994
Sally McFague, The Body of God: An Ecological Theology, London: SCM Press 1993
George Mathew Nalunnakkal, Green Liberation. Towards an integral ecotheology, New Delhi: ISPCK/NCCI, 1999
Preman Niles, Between the Flood and the Rainbow, Geneva: WCC 1992
Preman Niles, Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, Geneva: WCC, 1994
Rosemary Radford Ruether, Gaia & God: An Eco Feminist Theology of Earth Healing, San Francisco: Harper, 1992
Vandana Shiva, Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Survival in India, London: ZED books, 1988
Vandana Shiva, Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge. Boston: South End Press, 1997
Bas Wielenga, Towards an Eco-Just Society, Bangalore: Centre for Social Action, 1999
I Basic information
Larry Rasmussen, "Theology of Life and Ecumenical Ethics", in: David G. Hallman (ed.), Ecotheology, Geneva: WCC 1994, pp 112-129
Sam Kobia, "Theology of Life: Justice, Peace, Creation". Opening remarks at the first meeting of case study coordinators, Chavanne de Bogis, 1994 (Xerox)
Julio de Santa Ana, "Elements for a Theology of Life", Geneva 1995 (Xerox)
Martin Robra, "Theology of Life - Justice, Peace, Creation: An Ecumenical Study", in: The Ecumenical Review 48/1, January 1996, pp 28-37
Unit III (ed), Featuring Theology of Life, ECHOES 10/1996, with contributions from Bob Scott, Martin Robra, Nonie Wales, Te Rua Winiata, Creation Forum, Moises Collop, Najla Qassab, George E. Tinker, Kenneth R. Ross, Manchala Deenabandhu
Unit III (ed), "Working on Theology of Life. A Dossier", Geneva 1998
Martin Robra with Deenabandhu Manchala and Sarah Anderson-Rajarigam, "Affirming Life for the Disregarded Many", in: Dieter Hessel and Larry Rasmussen (eds), Earth Habitat. Eco-Injustice and the Church’s Response, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2001, pp 83-99
Für den deutschen Sprachraum ist hier auch ein Text von Konrad Raiser zu nennen, den er auf dem Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchentag 1997 in Leipzig vorgetragen hat. Bitte schauen Sie in die Dokumentation des Leipziger Kirchentags
II Case Studies | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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A. Publications:
Affirmation 1
Barney Pityana, "Culture and the Church: The Quest for a New Ecclesiology", in: Barney N. Pityana et al. (ed.), Being the Church in South Africa Today, Johannesburg: SACC, August 1995
Kenneth R. Ross (ed), God, People and Power in Malawi. Democratization in Theological Perspective, Kachere Monograph 3, Blantyre: CLAIM, 1996
Kenneth R. Ross, "The transformation of Power in Malawi 1992-1995: The Role of the Christian Churches", in: The Ecumenical Review 48/1, WCC: Geneva, January 1996
Bantu Mwaura, Our Strength is our Hope, Nairobi 1997 (poems)
Wahome Mutahi, The Jua Kali Republic, Nairobi 1997 (drama)
Affirmation 2
Plädoyer für eine ökumenische Zukunft, Ernst Lange Insitut (ed.), Oekumeische Entdeckungen und Perspektiven für eine Theologie des Lebens. Dokumentation der 3. Oekumenischen Sommeruniversität, Rothenburg: Ernst Lange Insitut, 1996
Affirmation IV
Debra Brown, Nonie Wales (ed) Theology of Life, An Australian Case Study, Sydney: The Commission on Women & Men, Uniting Church of Australia, 1996
Affirmation V
Raul Soza, "The Church: A Witness to the Truth on the Way to Freedom", in: Charles Harper, Impunity. An Ethical Perspective, Geneva: WCC, 1996, pp. 60-71 (contribution to TOL by Impunity study)
Affirmation VI
Samuel Lee (ed), Theology of Life and Ethics, published in Korean language by the Christian Institute of Social Studies, Soongsil University, 1997; the book includes two articles in English:
Samuel Lee, "Theological Reflection on Peace, and Life of People in Korea", pp 434-448
Park, Jae-Soon, "Theology of Life from the Perspective of Korean Minjung Religions" pp. 449-462
NCC Korea (ed): The 1995 Declaration of Jubilee for Peace and Reunification, Seoul 1995; (presented by Samuel Lee as important element of the case study; other publications in Korean language)
Affirmation VII
Jace Weaver (ed.), Defending Mother Earth. Native American Perspectives on Environmental Justice, Maryknoll N.Y.: Orbis, 1996
Donald B. Conroy, Rodney L. Petersen, Earth at Risk. An environmental Dialogue between Religion and Science, Humanity Books: New York, 1999
Affirmation VIII
Joseph E. Bush Jr., "The Vanua is the Lord's", Pacific Journal of Theology 1995 (?)
Affirmation X
Jon Sobrino: "Theological reflections on the Report of the Truth Commission", in: Charles Harper, Impunity, Geneva: WCC, 1996, pp 118 - 135, (contribution to TOL by Impunity study)
B. Reports available (Xerox) Affirmation IBarney Pityana/Glenn Barkhuizen, Collection of Interviews
Kenya case study group: "All exercise of power is accountable to God"
Affirmation II
Manchala Deenabandhu (ed), God's Option for the Poor. Contours of a Theology of Life in the Indian Experience, Madras: Gurukul Theological College, 1996, pp. 370
Heinz-Jürgen Joppien (ed), Armut in einem reichen Land, Mühlheim, 1996
Affirmation III
Yo Ludwig (ed.), "Theologie de la Vie". Contribution d'un groupe francais à la prèparation de la huitième Assemblée du COE, Paris 1996 (English translation available)
Prince Devanandan (ed), Theology of Life - A Sri Lankan case study, Colombo 1996
Affirmation V
Peeter Kaldur, Theology of Life, English Summary of the Estonian report, Johvi 1996
Affirmation VI
MECC (ed), Report of the Meeting of the Middle East Working Group on the Theology of Life, Limassol 1996
Affirmation VII
Moises Collop (ed), Estudio de Caso Guatemala
Affirmation VII
Sonny Riini et. al., Pacific Perspective of - "Theology of Life"
Church of Norway Sámi Council (ed.), "We affirm that the Earth is the Lord's". A study project in Sápmi 1994-96, Oslo 1996Simeon Joseph (ed): "WCC Theology of Life. Ecumenical Case Study on the Situation of Crime and Violence among Caribbean Youth Today", Dominica 1996
Affirmation X
Carlos Sanchez (ed): "Teologia de la Vida. Estudio de Caso El Salvador, Afirmación X: Los derechos de las personas son concedidos por Dios. Cinco testimonios de rescate, de la memoria martirial, durante la guerra en El Salvador", El Salvador 1996
Miklos Mennesy (ed), Report on the Romanian Case Study
Affirmation I: The Jua Kali Republic, theatre play by Wahome Mutahi
Affirmation II: The Brazilian case study sent a video on a National Conference of Women (Portuguese language)
Affirmation V: The Argentinian case study produced a video with the title "Verdad-Libertad". The video was used as a discussion starter for groups (20’, no language, only music and sounds).
The Estonian case study produced a video on the life of the Lutheran Church in the new political situation in Estonia (English).
Affirmation VII: The Boston Theological Institute produced a video "Living in Nature. Religion & Science in Dialogue on the Environment" (30’50’’, English).
Affirmation X: The case study from El Salvador used for its presentation a video produced by video teams from El Salvador and Canada. The video is called "Denial" and tells the story of massacres committed by the military and their denial by the powerful in the country (57’27’’, English).
D. History of Ecumenical Social Thought and Action
Geraldine Smyth, Liberating Communion. The Conciliar Process for Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation. WCC Contributions, 1983-1991, Geneva 1998
A number of reports written for the TOL Steering Committee and Unit III Commission, e.g.:
Te Rua Winiata: Creation Forum (May 1996)
Report on the Consultation of Locol Coordinators in Brasov (September 1995)
Report on the Consultation on Theology of Life and Theological Education at the Union Theological Seminary, New York (April 1998)
F. Other articles on Theology of Life
Articles on Theology of Life were published e.g. in The Netherlands (by Julio de Santa Ana and Martin Robra) and Germany (Fritz Erich Anhelm, Martin Robra)
Zum Hintergrund schauen Sie doch bitte auch folgende Texte an:
Larry Rasmussen, Earth Community, Earth Ethics, Maryknoll: Orbis Books and Geneva:WCC, 1996
Thomas Best, Martin Robra (ed), Ecclesiology and Ethics, WCC: Geneva 1996
Hier besonders den Bericht von der Johannesburg Konsultation
Vgl. dazu auch: Lewis S. Mudge, The Church as Moral Community, Ecclesiology and Ethics in Ecumenical Debate, New York: Continuum, Geneva: WCC, 1998 wie auch Duncan Forrester, The True Church and Morality, Geneva:WCC 1996
Und Ralf K. Wuestenberg, A Theology of Life. Dietrich Bonheoffer’s Religionless Christianity, Wm.B. Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, 1998