world council of churches

Proposals Regarding a Forum
August, 1998

As explained in paragraph 1, this text is the report of a group gathered to consider the creation of a "Forum of Christian churches and ecumenical organisations" and to make specific proposals regarding the forms such a body might take.


1. A consultation took place at the Chateau de Bossey, near Geneva, 26-29 August 1998 to consider the possible creation of a broad-based Forum of Christian churches and ecumenical organisations. Twenty-eight participants represented the WCC, Christian World Communions, Regional Ecumenical Organisations, National Councils of Churches, international ecumenical organisations and churches not at present associated with major ecumenical structures.

2. The gathering noted dramatic changes in the world situation, as well as major developments in relationships between churches and between ecumenical organisations. Efforts to advance Christian unity now take many forms, have many players and focus on many centres. However, this diversity raises urgent questions about how to strengthen the wholeness of the movement against tendencies towards fragmentation and competitiveness, not least in view of shrinking resources. A more effective, more sustaining, more inclusive network of relationships is needed to bring differences of understanding among the partners into a mutually committed dialogue so that all may find their way to a clearer discernment and a more faithful obedience.

3. The following proposal for a Forum of Christian churches and ecumenical organisations emerged in the course of the consultation. It is offered in the hope that churches and ecumenical structures may discern in it a way forward for the years immediately ahead.

Goals and Objectives
4. The proposed Forum is possible because of the unity which is already given in Christ. It is called for because of our common faith in a reconciling God whose church knows itself summoned to become God’s reconciled and reconciling people.

5. The Forum is intended to help build more significant, more inclusive relationships. It will not speak for the participating bodies, but it will provide a way for them, transcending the limitations of existing frameworks, to think new thoughts, dream new dreams, and glimpse new visions.

6. Seeking to be open to the charisms the Spirit gives to Christ’s people, the Forum’s style will be open, expectant and relying on a minimum of rules and structures. One condition for participation therefore, is a willingness to accept other participants as bona fide partners in a dialogue, the aim of which is to strengthen the obedience of all to Christ.

7. The occasional gatherings of the Forum will provide opportunities for worship, exploration of matters of common Christian concern and development of enhanced mutual understanding. They are not conceived as decision making, programme initiating or document-producing events. However, they might lead to new forms of cooperation.

8. This is a Forum, not an organisation, therefore the question to be considered is participation, not membership.

9. Participation will be based on confessing the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures and seeking to fulfil together the common calling to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It should be characterised by the desire to mutually engage in the search for obedience to Christ.

10. Participants will mainly be representative of church bodies and ecumenical organisations of international significance. Some participants will also be individuals who are representative of and accountable to identifiable constituencies with a commitment to our common calling.

11. Roman Catholics, Orthodox, Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and other families represented in the Conference of Christian World Communions, as well as Regional Ecumenical Organisations, International Ecumenical Organisations and the World Council of Churches, are among those envisaged as participants in the Forum.

12. Criteria of participation include willingness to listen, to talk and respond together with others in the Christian family to God’s calling. Participants must have mutual respect and respect for the self-understanding of the others.

Size, Process and Content of Forum meeting
13. The Forum is a concept that will be manifest in many ways, including international meetings. Once the idea has taken root, it could meet in various configurations and locations.

14. The initial meeting should be made up of 150 -250 participants, depending on the response to the invitations issued. The process will be designed to allow maximum participation. This will begin by soliciting issues and challenges from the participating bodies prior to the meeting.

15. There will be a balance of plenary and small group time, with space for celebration and spontaneity. Worship will be an integral part of the forum. The meeting should reflect awareness of the historical forces that bring participants together and should provide opportunities for in-depth discussion.

16. The distinctiveness will be in the style of meeting which will promote open dialogue of sharing without a focus on documentation and recommendations. No votes will be taken.

17. Provision might be made for a group of “listeners” to help discern and articulate the insights gained by the gathering.

Funding, Timing
18. Participants would be expected to cover their costs. In order to ensure fullest participation, the Organising Committee will seek funds to cover certain overhead expenses and make available a modest amount for subsidies.

19. The initial Forum meeting may take place as early as the year 2001.

Organising Mechanisms
20. A small Continuation Committee drawn from the consultation of August 1998 will continue as a bridge between the process thus far and its future. It could also become the nucleus of the Organising Committee for the first Forum meeting.

21. The Continuation Committee is to consider responses to this proposal and to work out the modalities of a first meeting of the Organising Committee by October 1999. This Continuation Committee will need to meet before mid-1999.

22. A small group of eminent persons who have a broad basis of credibility among Christians and churches might be constituted by the Continuation Committee to serve as an inviting body. This group may or may not need to meet. Invitations to participate would then go with the signatures and under the patronage of these persons.

23. The Organising Committee should be called by the Continuation Committee in consultation with the leaders of the interested bodies who by the responses to the initial proposal sent after this meeting would have expressed interest in the Forum.

24. It will include representatives of ecumenical partners of international significance who currently have various levels of collaborating as well as new partners representing the wider community such as Pentecostal Churches, World Evangelical Fellowship, the Organisation of African Instituted Churches who may express interest. A strong representation of the Roman Catholic Church was also stressed.

25. The tasks of the Organising Committee will include:

  1. Receiving and evaluating responses which contribute to building the agenda;
  2. Building an inclusive agenda;
  3. Taking care of logistics and budget of the Forum;
  4. Raising some funds for the overhead costs as well as for granting small subsidies for those who might need it.
  5. Preparation of a procedure for evaluating the first meeting of the Forum.

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