Published by: INFORM (International Network Forum on Multicultural Ministry) in cooperation with the World Council of Churches |
Multicultural Ministry Report
of the Second International Network Forum held on 7-10 May 2002 This book records an event. It tells about what is happening in the multicultural ministry of many Churches, in 36 reports from around the world. It offers insights about what can happen in the future, from the 70 people of 41 Churches and Councils in 28 countries who took part in the Forum meeting. During the meeting, participants were asked to introduce themselves to the group, using a one-minute slot at the start or finish of a session. During these brief introductions everyone was encouraged to make notes of possible linkages that would facilitate networking, and to follow those through during that day. The major purpose of this book is to follow through further – to help Forum participants maintain their connections with friends working together in multicultural ministry, and to invite the reader to become part of this worldwide network. |
PRICE: US$12 (includes postage and packing). Please make cheque or money order payable to INFORM, and send payment with your order form (below) to: Mrs S. Yoo-Crowe, 3 Thorpe Avenue, Liberty Grove