Lisbon, Portugal, August 7-11, 2002
Responding to the invitation of the Arigatou
Foundation, an NGO founded by Rev. Takeyasu Miyamoto in 1990 to protect
and improve the lives of children around the world, a group of people
of faith, adults and children, coming from different religions- including
Buddhism, Christianity (Anglican, Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant), Hinduism,
Islam, Judaism, Baha’i, Vedantique- and different European countries
met in Lisbon, Portugal, from the fifth to the seventh of August 2002.
The main objectives of the meeting were:
To share experiences among the participants
To reflect on the complex and multifaceted dimension of religions in Europe
To reflect on the rights of children and the challenges for religions
To explore the potential of creating the Global Network of Religions for
Children (GNRC) in Europe.
The GNRC is a global network inaugurated
in May 2000 in Tokyo, Japan, at the initiative of the Arigatou Foundation.
Its objective is to contribute to the well being of the world’s
children through religious and ethical collaboration in order to create
a better environment for children in the 21st century.
Each day began with prayers led by one
of the religions present in the meeting, and there was also an inter-religious
prayer for children and for peace in the world. Participants gave presentations
and participated in group work. There were formal and informal discussions
and a performance addressing spiritual and moral issues through dance
and drama. The personal encounter made an atmosphere of friendship and
conviviality possible.
Building the GNRC network in
The participants decided to start the process
of building the GNRC network in Europe as a dynamic and flexible group
of adults and children from different religions who can work together
in order to contribute to the spiritual well being of children, and towards
the implementation of their rights.
1. Mission Description
We believe that children are the inheritors of the Earth and the precious
treasure of humanity. They are also a source of hope and remind us of
the sacredness of life. All our religions give strong emphasis to the
unique value of children’s lives and the promise they represent
for the present and future of humanity. All our religions share the values
of peace, justice, love and mutual respect. We also value diversity and
recognize the need for dialogue and effective cooperation between different
religions, in order to contribute to the building of a new spiritual civilization,
where children can enjoy and live with the principles of justice, compassion
with all human beings and in harmony with nature.
We recognize that European religious people
have not always contributed to the improvement of the life of children
who suffer from poverty, marginalization, and exclusion, and also from
spiritual and cultural poverty. Religions have sometimes contributed to
prejudices and intolerance, thus creating suffering among children, their
families and communities. We see the need for our religious communities
to put more efforts into cultivating good understanding among religions,
and with all people of good will, in order to contribute to the building
of a better world for children.
We also recognize that many religious
people, religious organizations, and institutions are making great efforts
to defend and protect the lives of children. Through these actions, they
are giving a message of hope to the world.
Working in inter-religious groups during
the meeting, we have demonstrated that inter-religious understanding,
co-operation, and respect will enhance children’s and young people’s
spiritual and moral development. We also believe that all our traditions
have strong and rich values that can help them to become better human
beings, and contribute to peace and understanding.
In order to contribute as religious people
to the well being of children, we will work for:
The implementation of global ethics and interfaith spiritual education
for children.
The pursuing of fundamental solutions to the problem of poverty, health
and violence.
The implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and contribute
to the Global Movement for Children.
2. Purposes of the GNRC-Europe
The GNRC-Europe will contribute to:
Sharing information, experiences, reflections and stories about our work
for and with children
Identifying areas of common concern and exploring the possibilities for
practical cooperation
Deepening our own religious experience through the contact and interaction
with other religions and people of other faiths
Promoting tolerance and respect for religious diversity and celebrating
3. Principles and Criteria
Fundamental appreciation of the infinite and unique value of every child.
Valuing the capacity of children and promoting their participation
Promoting a greater involvement of adults in their spiritual and moral
education of children
Putting prayer and action together in the work for and with children
Putting into practice the principles of mutual respect and acceptance
Promoting positive experiences of encounter with people of other faiths
Incorporating children’s role models in ethical and spiritual education.
Promoting awareness about the social and cultural dimensions of the rights
of the children in our society and in our religious communities
Promoting the knowledge about other religious experiences in order to
foster respect and collaboration
Collaborating with other people of good will who share the same objectives
Promoting the equal participation of girls and boys
Cooperating with UNICEF, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and
Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working with children.
4. Participants
Members of the GNRC-Europe include:
People from different faiths and religions in Europe working directly
with children
Religious leaders who have a commitment for children’s rights
Religious organizations which have children as a priority
Other participants:
People from NGOs who are willing to work with religious people
UNICEF and the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Other people of good will who contribute to the cause of children
5. Main issues/priorities
for the GNRC-Europe:
The meeting identified many priorities that are being addressed by organizations
working with children, and which still need to be addressed across Europe.
Some of these are:
Poverty and economic instability/financial exploitation
Ethical /spiritual education of children
Accessibility and availability of medical care for every child.
Violence/domestic violence
Discrimination and racial hatred
Hearing children voices and children's participation
Drug and substance abuse
Sexual exploitation and child prostitution
Refugee and Roma children
From these, three were identified as priorities
that could be taken forward by the Global Network of Religions for Children
Regional Forum. These are:
To address the different types of poverty
that exists in Europe, and which affect all aspects of life such as economic,
spiritual, social, educational and cultural.
To promote and provide ethical and spiritual education for children and
adults across Europe.
To actively encourage the consultation and participation of children in
6. Plan of Action
Prayer for children
The importance of prayers in working for children's rights, as people
of faith, was affirmed. In order to strengthen our desire to pray together
for the well being of all children and for peace in the world, it was
agreed to hold devotional meetings including a daily one-minute prayer
for peace at 12:00 (GMT). This invitation is open to all people of good
Education for children and their families
was strongly affirmed as a priority for the GNRC Europe with a twin focus:
The promotion of ethical and moral values
The promotion of programs to address violence and facilitate peace
In relation to this priority it was agreed
to create a European Working Group on Ethical and Spiritual Education
for Children. The Working Group will develop a more specific plan of action
for the work of the network in this area.
Building and strengthening relationships
In the midst of isolation and the fragmentation of communities, the need
for increasing contacts and relationships was identified as a priority.
This building and strengthening of relationships will involve:
Spiritual communities and groups
Religious organizations, and institutions on a local level
Children from different religions
At a more practical level it was recommended:
to invite GNRC members to work on interfaith calendars
to promote meetings of children of different faiths
Advocacy, lobbying and communication
on Children's rights
It was recognised that religions and religious people have the moral authority
to speak out on issues affecting children, and they also have the responsibility
to advocate for their rights. They need to develop collective strategies
involving other national and international organizations. These strategies
may include publicity about positive actions being taken by religions
or religious people, lobbying on specific problems affecting children,
etc. This initiative needs to involve:
Press and Media
Political institutions
UNICEF and the UN Committee on the Right of the Child
In order to strengthen communication among
the members of the GNRC Europe it was recommended:
to keep in contact with the Arigatou Foundation
to use the web page of the GNRC Europe to keep in contact and promote
children's rights
to interact with other members of the network in Europe
Reflection on religious perspectives
The problems of intolerance, rejection and discrimination are very much
based on the lack of appropriate information about other religious traditions
and perspectives. Very often adults transmit their own prejudices about
other religions and cultures to children. It was recommended to deepen
the reflection on our own religions and on other religions’ basis
and perspectives, contributing to the celebration of commonalties and
valuing and respecting differences. This will contribute to:
Enhancing common ethical and spiritual values
Improving mutual understanding of different faiths
Deepening our reflection on children from our religious perspectives
7. Ways of promoting children's
In relation to methodologies of work for the GNRC Europe, the following
was recommended:
To share information, experiences, reflections and stories about the work
for and with children
To establish working groups around issues that are a priority for the
European region
To involve children at all levels
To use the GNRC web site and the web page for Europe
To mobilise the human resources and the existing capacities among the
members of the network
The following specific recommendations
were made in relation to families, schools and community centres:
“Invite your neighbour”, creating opportunities for children
to interact with other members of the community, in particular with people
of other faiths, races and cultures
Find ways of reaching parents´ generation, using different methods
for different settings
Involve children in family activities and decisions
Encourage positive attitudes towards other religions
Prepare inter-religious material for schools
Organize visits to places of worship with school classes
Develop ways of working with schools in the developing world– these
are different from schools in Europe and the U.S.A.
Foster a good knowledge and understanding about other religions as well
as solidarity among children and young people
Community centres:
Provide open-house arrangements in religious community centres on a regular
Organize social programs like arts, literature, dance, cooking, handicrafts,
etc. using them to enhance children's understanding of other cultures
Sharing of social events in order to contribute to deepening the human
and personal contact between people from different religions, races and
Final remarks
Special thanks were given to the Arigatou
Foundation for their effective support to the realization of this first
meeting of the GNRC in Europe. Thanks were also expressed to the coordination
of the meeting, to the moderator and other GNRC members who contributed
in different ways to the success of the Portugal meeting. The presence
of the representatives from UNICEF and the UN Committee on the Rights
of the Child was higly valued. We were reaffirmed in our conviction that
we share a common vision of a better world for children based on the best
of our common ideals and principles: love, justice, compassion and harmony
among all living beings and nature.
It was a privilege to meet at the Convent
Irmãs Franciscanas Hospitaleiras da Imaculada Conceição
that provided the right spiritual and physical environment for a harmonious
relationship among all the participants. The love expressed by the Catholic
sisters and by members of the Bah'ai and Buddhist communities in Portugal
and their readiness to help us and be with us was very positive. Children
and adults who participated in the meeting felt inspired by the achievements
we were able to have at the end of the meeting and dedicated the result
of our work to God in a simple and emotive closing ceremony.
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The Orthodox Churches in a Pluralistic World -
Conference Statement
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