world council of churches

New publications of interest

Robert Traer:
Quest for Truth. Critical Reflections on Interfaith Cooperation
Davies Group; Aurora, Colorado, 1999, 202 p.

A collection of essays written by the former General Secretary of the International Association for Religious Freedom. The author argues that interfaith cooperation must be built on truth involving repentance, forgiveness and hope in order not to be reduced to a platform of religious propaganda. A second part of the book reflects on the language used in interfaith programs. A third part deals with international interfaith initiatives and the fourth part contains a couple of essays on religion and religions.

Michael von Brück:
Religion und Politik im Tibetischen Buddhismus
Kösel Verlag, München, 1999, 240 pp.

Bringing together religion and politics, the author explains many of the different facets of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism. How did Buddhism come to Tibet and what kind of Buddhism is it? What is tantric Buddhism? The various streams within Tibetan Buddhism are explained. An interesting interview with the 14th Dalai Lama on violence and non-violence, the responsibility of world religion, religion and politics, conversion, tolerance and peace, science and technology concludes this work.

Dossier Jérusalem
Préparé par les Commissions "Chrétiens et Juifs" et "Eglise-Islam" de la Fédération Protestante de France, Octobre 1999. Address: 47, rue de Clichy, F-75311 Paris Cedex 09

This dossier contains a lot of information on Jerusalem. It has a chapter on the history of Jerusalem. It provides a biblical and theological perspective, juridical aspects and finally concluded by a compilation of statements on Jerusalem by the churches in the Middle East, the Roman Catholic Church, the WCC and the French Protestant Federation.

Hans Ucko:
Raíces Comunes: Nuevos horizontes

Aprendiendo sobre la fe cristiana desde el diálogo con los judíos, Centro Luterano de Montevideo, 1999, 125 p., Avda. 8 de Octubre 3449, 11500 Montevideo, República Oriental del Uruguay

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