A call to prayer by the heads of the churches in Jerusalem
7 August 2001

Jesus said: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you; Do not let your heart be troubled, or afraid. (John 14:27)

We are greatly concerned at the deteriorating situation in the Occupied Territories of the Holy Land;

Many families have been made homeless; The Closures have turned towns and cities into Detention Camps; The number of unemployed has risen dramatically resulting in tens of thousands hungry for their daily bread; Whilst our children are confronted daily with a picture of bloodshed, violence, assassinations and murder.

Hatred and a desire for revenge is rampant on both sides - Israeli & Palestinian.

We call upon all our people, throughout this Land, to join us in intensifying our prayers for peace, with justice, and reconciliation.

To this end we have arranged a period of daily PRAYER FOR PEACE at 6 p.m. from Wednesday August 15th to Tuesday August 28th in the churches across the city.

We appeal also to our brothers and sisters around the world - many of whom have already offered generous support - to link their prayers with ours at this special time.

+The Patriarchs & Heads of Churches, Communities & Institutions in Jerusalem.

Prayers for Peace
Jerusalem, 15 August to 28 August
Daily at 6p.m.

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