Conference of European Churches World Council of Churches Lutheran World Federation |
Report of the ecumenical delegation to
Yugoslavia Novi Sad, Belgrade, 16-18 April 1999 Yugoslavia's double tragedy |
1. INTRODUCTION A joint delegation of the Conference of European Churches (CEC), the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) visited the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), 16-18 April 1999. The aim of the visit was to meet with the leaders of member churches in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and to discuss with them the causes and consequences of the current crisis in Kosovo, and of the Nato bombardment of Yugoslavia. The delegation visited member churches in the Yugoslav cities of Novi Sad and Belgrade, but was unable to enter the province of Kosovo itself due to restrictions on movement resulting from the intensive conflict situation there. Visits to member churches in Albania and other countries in the region are also being planned. The visit was held soon after the start of the bombing campaign against targets throughout the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The ecumenical delegation was organized in the context of widespread international concern provoked by the massive and tragic exodus of over half a million Kosovar Albanians into neighbouring Albania and Macedonia, and the accounts and allegations of serious human rights violations, forced deportation, and arbitrary executions perpetrated in the province of Kosovo, detailed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and others. |
The purpose of this report is to communicate the results of the visit and the discussions with the Yugoslav church leaders, and to summarize the preliminary findings of the delegation.
The objectives of the visit were:
There are a number of responses of the church communities in Yugoslavia to the crisis in
Kosovo, and especially to the Nato intervention and its consequences, including statements
and joint prayers. The church leadership is generally well-informed about the refugee crisis and
deportation in Kosovo, and its dramatic consequences on the civilian population and the
neighbouring countries. All church leaders forcefully condemn any violence, intimidation,
ethnic cleansing and forced displacement of the civilian population in Kosovo, and support
calls for a negotiated and peaceful resolution to the conflict. However, there are different
perceptions about the immediate causes of the violence and refugee crisis in Kosovo. For most
of the churches, the role of the Kosovar Albanian armed separatist forces is an important
factor in the radicalization of the situation in the region, together with the violent response of
Yugoslav and Serbian military and paramilitary forces, and the intensive Nato bombardment is
perceived as having aggravated the exodus of people from the region.
The conflict situation and the Nato intervention were the main areas of discussion. Novi Sad
has been hit by aerial strikes every night for three weeks, and several sites in the suburbs and
the central bridges in the city have been destroyed. The local churches unanimously condemn
the Nato attack which is perceived as an unjust and inhuman response to a complex sequence
of events which have led to the crisis around Kosovo, and which is understood by them as an
illegal and immoral attack on a sovereign State. The church leaders emphasize that the
bombing campaign has undermined democracy, has strengthened the regime's control of the
country, and has radicalized the extremist forces in Yugoslavia and among ethnic
Bishop Istvan, head of the Reformed Church in Yugoslavia, is certain that war in Kosovo
could have been avoided if the Western powers had not interfered and created "impossible
expectations". According to the Lutheran church leader Bishop Valent "the humanitarian
tragedy facing the Albanians has been exacerbated by Nato and KLA (Kosovo Liberation
Army) actions". The crisis in Kosovo is the result of the dismantling of the delicate Yugoslav
balance of nationalities constructed by Tito, and of extremist Kosovar Albanians who were
encouraged by Western powers to seek secession from Yugoslavia, it was stated by the church
representatives. Methodist Superintendent Hovan adds that now "the whole country is in
crisis" and he expresses his gratitude for the assistance and support of the ecumenical family
for all victims of the conflict.
The ethnic minorities in the province of Vojvodina (mainly Hungarians and Slovaks) "are not
responsible for the crisis in Kosovo", explained Bishop Valent, "but the consequences on the
local situation here are direct and important". Young men are facing mobilization, the
economic impact is serious, and there are isolated examples of a xenophobic attitude towards
minority groups, which had not existed prior to the Nato raids. The introduction of a state of
war in Yugoslavia also means that churches must seek permission to organize any
non-worship gathering.
The profound sense of injustice and outrage engendered in the traditionally multi-ethnic and
multi-cultural region is articulated by a local university professor, Dr. Svenka Savic, whose
text is being circulated abroad by the churches. "Bridges are constructions (...) of the spirit,
which join people and objects (...) The bombardment of the bridge in Novi Sad symbolizes
division between nations, parts of the world, the division within ourselves. The bombardments
of the bridge in Novi Sad is only one of a series of bombardments in our (former) country (...)
and today we stand in front of our destroyed bridge, each of us recalls how we lived with it,
and we all cry. We cry because we hate those who took it away from us. Destroying the
bridge in Novi Sad as a strategic point, they have moved the emotional point of our balance,
and now we are limping in search of support."
The Patriarch reminded the delegation that he lived for 34 years in Kosovo, and knows at first
hand the situation there. He expressed his profound concern at the human suffering and tragic
destruction taking place in the province. He thinks it is important to understand the causes and
reasons for the current situation. In his view, the Yugoslav State is faced with an impossible
position, as armed separatists seek independence from the rest of Yugoslavia. The Nato
intervention is perceived as an attack by Western powers on the sovereignty and freedom of
the country, and does nothing to promote a negotiated solution. What does the Gospel tell us
when our integrity and freedom is attacked? he asks. The Church is against war, but a State
has the right to defend its integrity. But the Gospel also says that we must answer before God
for our actions and lives, and "all our work in this crisis must be to serve justice, truth and
love", he emphasized.
The Serbian Church leader welcomes the actions and statements of the international church
organizations, and especially of the Roman Catholic Church, to promote a peaceful solution to
the conflict. The Serbian Orthodox Church is working directly to promote alternative
solutions, and has been consistently critical of the actions of the Yugoslav political leadership
in Kosovo, and sent a delegation to present its views at the Rambouillet peace conferences,
without success. Specific annexes were drafted by the church as additions to the Rambouillet
draft proposals, which propose broad autonomy and secure rights of all minorities within
Kosovo. A memorandum proposing urgent alternative solutions to the policy of the Yugoslav
government was presented to Madeleine Albright in person by Bishop Artemije of
Raska-Prizren. The Patriarch and Holy Synod support the statements and actions of the
Orthodox Bishop in Kosovo, Bishop Artemije, for a cantonisation of the province within a
democratic and federal Yugoslavia, with guarantees for all ethnic and national groups. These
positions have been articulated for over two years, and have provoked strong criticism of the
Orthodox Church from the Yugoslav political leadership. The Patriarch expressed his interest
in the proposals that European churches together take a new initiative to call for a cessation of
hostilities, an end to Nato bombing and the establishment of a humanitarian corridor into
Kosovo in favour of those displaced and suffering from the fighting.
In conversation with Bishop Irinej, the Serbian Orthodox Bishop in Novi Sad, it was
emphasized that the Nato bombing has aggravated the situation and cannot contribute to a
solution of the crisis. The psychological approach of Nato has been disastrous', as it has
dramatically reduced any possibility of a political solution. The delegation raised the issue of
the reported atrocities, forced deportation and ethnic cleansing by Yugoslav forces in Kosovo.
The church leader expressed their grief at the human suffering in the province, but accused the
separatist forces and the Nato intensive bombing as having encouraged and even directly
provoked the massive exodus of people. "We weep for the plight of the refugees from
Kosovo" he says, and the church will not look at who is Albanian and who is Serb. However,
he remains sceptical about the humanitarian motives of the Nato operation. "Almost no help
was given to Yugoslavia from outside or even by our State authorities to assist the 700,000
refugees who were forced to leave homes in Croatia and Bosnia", he said. Yugoslavia had
many problems and was a far from perfect democracy, but it was still the most open country in
the communist system, he emphasized. "The difficulties are a thousand times greater after the
Nato intervention. Western policy towards Yugoslavia has now produced the greatest
anti-Western factor in Europe".
According to the Bishop, the Serbian Orthodox Church has struggled to propose alternatives
solutions for the Kosovo crisis, but the Nato intervention has now actually created new
conflicts, with tensions emerging even in his region of Vojvodina. He thinks that Yugoslavia
should give full autonomy to the Kosovar Albanians within the existing international borders,
with the rights of the other minorities in Kosovo being guaranteed by an international
peace-keeping force "without Nato countries", who cannot offer a neutral role after the
intervention. The Bishop cannot believe that the disastrous reactions to the Nato bombing
were not analyzed and predicted by Western policy makers, and he therefore raises the
question about the broader geopolitical interests of the intervention in the region. The Bishop
emphasized that the church "does not speak in the spirit of government but rather in the spirit
of the Gospel". "We too are Europeans," he said, and he appealed for European churches to
raise awareness about the Yugoslav churches' situation and positions, and about the human
impact of the bombing and the displacement in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Many major cities in Yugoslavia have been heavily affected by the Nato bombing of bridges,
energy supplies and military targets. The most intensive bombing has been in Kosovo itself,
and in the Southern cities of Yugoslavia. There have been civilian deaths directly from
bombing, although the authorities are reluctant to release any figures. Some people displaced
by the fighting in Kosovo, including Albanians, Serbs and others, are making their way as far
North as Vojvodina and Novi Sad, although many prefer to avoid the big agglomerations.
Over 100,000 displaced people are present in Montenegro, according to the Yugoslav Red
Cross. The existing refugee populations from the fighting and forced movements of population
in Bosnia and Croatia are also seriously affected. According to UNHCR figures there are over
760,000, mainly Serb, refugees still in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, many of whom are
dependent on international aid. Pharmaceuticals and imported necessities (e.g. baby food and
milk) are already in limited supply. The heating, water supply and sanitation systems have been
seriously damaged in many cities. The Red Cross is increasing stocks of blood, and is
developing first aid training. Hospitals are being emptied of non-emergency cases, and in some
areas water and heating supplies are disrupted. The psychological and trauma impact on the
civilian population is becoming apparent, and it appears that the suicide rate is rising especially
among vulnerable groups such as the elderly.
Another direct impact of the conflict has been the potential mobilization of men for the army.
Men of conscript age are not allowed to leave the country. Some examples of desertion and
draft-dodging are reported especially among the non-Serb minority communities, which are
reluctant to serve in Kosovo. Conscientious objectors, especially among Jehovah's witnesses
and Nazarenes, are subject to punishment.
However, it is the long-term impact which is most feared according to Karoly Beres, the
leader of the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization based in Novi Sad. "The bombing of
factories, fuel depots, and civilian transport routes, following ten years of international
sanctions, is rapidly creating an economic disaster" he says. Of deeper concern is the slow
breakdown of normal life that is being engendered, as schooling and medical services are
halted. "It seems immoral for us to ask for aid when the Kosovars are suffering so much" he
stresses, "but the rising waves of hatred [caused by Nato bombing] are taking effect and the
consequences frighten us". The EHS leader expressed his recognition and gratitude for the
support given by Western church agencies for the work of the organization. According to
Beres, the churches can have an important role in overcoming conflict, if they can avoid the
mistakes of politicians and look to future and not only refer to the past. "our great task as
churches is to find ways for all nations to live together as part of a broader European life". But
he admits that the continued crisis in Yugoslavia is making this expectation a distant
The delegation was recognized the double tragedy experienced by people in
Yugoslavia: the devastating civil war and forced movement populations in the region of
Kosovo, and the subsequent massive impact of the Nato bombardment throughout
The Yugoslav church leaders condemn any violence, intimidation, ethnic cleansing and
forced displacement of the civilian population in the province of Kosovo.
The Serbian Orthodox Church explicitly appeals for the guaranteed right of return of all
people displaced from their homes by the fighting.
There are differences of perception about the immediate causes of the massive exodus
of refugees, as some churches see the Nato bombing and the armed confrontation within
Kosovo as important causes.
All churches emphasize the need for any solution to the conflict to respect the territorial
integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the multi-ethnic character of
the province, with protected rights for all ethnic and religious groups.
There is unanimity of all the churches, Orthodox, Protestant and Catholic, in opposing the
Nato bombing. According to the churches, the Nato intervention, far from changing
Yugoslav policy, has led to an escalation of the crisis. The intervention is perceived as an
unjust attack on a sovereign country and on a civilian population, despite the insistence of
Nato that it is directed against the Yugoslav leadership and military capability in Kosovo.
The Nato intervention is seen as having effectively silenced any political and democratic
opposition in the country, and has largely paralyzed the emerging civil society, as the
country rallies itself against perceived foreign aggression. The Yugoslav authorities have
closed down or restricted the previously thriving independent media, especially in Serbia.
According to Democratic Party leader Zoran Djindjic, quoted at the time of the visit in the
Western media, the Nato intervention has actually strengthened Milosevic, and will lead to
social unrest in Yugoslavia. In Belgrade, 17 leading peace organizations and independent
NGOs have appealed for an end to the bombing, and reports speak of increased intimidation
and fear among civil society activists since the start of the bombing. Paradoxically, some of the
areas most affected by bombing were also centres of support for opposition political parties,
while Kosovo was a strong centre of support for Milosevic due to the abstention of the
Kosovar Albanians in elections. The churches themselves do not articulate any support for the
leadership or policy of the current Yugoslav regime.
The Nato military intervention risks further destabilising the fragile ethnic and political
balance within Yugoslavia, and threatens to reopen differences and conflicts among
countries in the region.
The overall humanitarian impact of the bombing in the Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia is much wider and deeper than reported internationally. "Collateral damage"
includes the frequent, usually indirect, damage of hospitals, schools and residential areas, and
the economic, psychological and trauma impacts are very significant. In many regions, the
disruption of transport routes is isolating vulnerable communities. For example, an important
bridge linking Serbia and Croatia has been destroyed, effectively isolating the last remaining
Serbs in the area around Vukovar. The economic impact is devastating, and weakens the
distribution of water, energy and food supplies in some parts of the country. The Yugoslav
Red Cross has released detailed information on the situation, and is actively developing its
disaster preparedness measures. Some groups in Yugoslavia have protested the environmental
impact of the Nato bombing of oil and chemical installations, especially in the Danube, and the
alleged use by Nato of depleted uranium ammunition and indiscriminate anti-personnel bombs
in Kosovo itself.
The role of media and the transmission of information has a dominant role in shaping
perceptions. The Yugoslav State media concentrate on the impact of the Nato bombing on
civilians in other parts of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavs who have access to satellite television,
foreign radio and the internet are aware of the mass deportation, ethnic cleansing and tragic
plight of refugees forced to leave Kosovo. The Western media, with limited access to regions
in Kosovo, gives little account of the armed conflict in the province, and of the complexity of
its causes. Very little account is given anywhere of the alternative and moderate positions of
the Yugoslav democratic movement and of the churches. The deliberate influencing of media
by all parties, and the new power of direct information through the internet, have created a
"live" war, in which the image and perception at times seem to override the content and
direction of actions on all sides.
The ecumenical community should encourage an international prayer for peace, for
example each Wednesday afternoon, in solidarity with churches in Novi Sad. An international
prayer for peace in Yugoslavia is also being proposed by Yugoslav churches for 16 May.
The international church organizations should encourage the more systematic sharing of
information with member churches in FRY, especially about the conflict and refugee crisis
in Kosovo, and the international church reactions.
The ecumenical response to the humanitarian needs of all victims, displaced people
and refugees must be continued and strengthened through ACT-Action by Churches Together.
Disaster preparedness is a priority, and a coordination meeting could be arranged with Serbian
partners. Particular emphasis must be given to strengthening the capacity of local churches and
organizations in FRY to assist those in need.
Assistance for the revival of Yugoslav ecumenical council of churches is important
and necessary, and was requested by the Protestant church leaders.
The further networking and mobilization of churches worldwide to discuss the crisis
and their respective positions, and to promote a just and negotiated settlement to the crisis,
could be encouraged. The special concern of European churches could be focused in a united
appeal for a cease fire, cessation of bombing and establishment of a humanitarian corridor into
Similar visits to other churches and partners in the Balkans region should be
organized as early as possible, with view to promoting possible sub-regional inter-church
To overcome the isolation and to enhance ecumenical exposure, an increased involvement
of FRY churches in the activities and life of the international church organizations should
be encouraged.
Travel to Belgrade. Meetings in the Serbian Orthodox Church:
18 April: Audience with H.H. Patriarch Pavle, head of the Serbian Orthodox
The delegation met with the leaders of the minority Protestant churches
(Reformed, Lutheran and Methodist) in Novi Sad (Vojvodina) in northern Serbia. The region
is home to important ethnic Hungarian and Slovak minorities. The group's arrival coincided
with the first night that Novi Sad had not been targeted since the start of the Nato bombing.
The church leaders welcomed the solidarity and understanding of the broader Christian family
manifested by the visit, and especially valued the letters and Easter peace appeal of the
international church bodies.
The delegation was received by Archbishop Perko, head of the Roman
Catholic Archdiocese of Belgrade. The Archbishop received the delegation in the same dining
room where Serbia was presented an ultimatum by the Western Powers which led to the First
World War. The Roman Catholic Church and the Holy See through the Papal Nuncio in
Yugoslavia have vigorously intervened to seek to end the international bombardment of Serbia
as a response to the Kosovo crisis, and are actively promoting diplomatic solutions. According
to Archbishop Perko, the churches are all united against the Nato bombing, and must never
cease struggling for dialogue and negotiation between the warring parties in Kosovo. The
inevitable result of the Nato bombing of Yugoslavia is a strong and popular Serbian reaction
to the West, he says. "We are for dialogue, but the tragedy is that dialogue is now impossible
(..) there seems to be no mutually acceptable understanding of what is possible as a solution to
the conflict". The Archbishop remains pessimistic about the immediate future. He thinks the
culmination of events around Kosovo is a "tragedy and disaster" for the Serbian people, which
he compares to the plight of the Jews during the time of the Prophet Jeremiah. He is
supportive of the "moral duty" of European churches to stop the Nato bombing, which can
only worsen the situation, and to contribute to dialogue and peaceful solutions, but he fears
that this is a "cry in the wilderness".
The delegation was received by the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church
Patriarch Pavle, and separately, by two diocesan Bishops, Irinej of Backa and Bishop Ignatije
of Branicevo. The visit was warmly welcomed as a "visible manifestation of concern and
solidarity for the churches in Yugoslavia and the cause of peace" said Patriarch Pavle. The
Patriarch emphasized that the visit came at a time of great difficulty and misfortune for both
Serbs and Albanians. The Patriarch repeated his condemnation of war and violence and he
repeated his public appeals for the ending of all military actions by all forces, to allow for the
guaranteed return of all civilians to their homes, and a solution which allows for peaceful
coexistence. "From the very beginning of this situation I have appealed to our State
authorities, military forces and civilian leaders to do everything in their power to prevent an
escalation of the conflict", he stated. "All war is evil" he says, "but civil war is doubly evil as it
provokes neighbour to fight neighbour".
During conversations with church representatives, the critical social,
humanitarian and political situation provoked by the bombing, and the continued violence and
military action in Kosovo, were discussed. The full scale of the humanitarian impact remains
difficult to measure, and is evolving daily. The massive displacement of people in Kosovo, and
the arrival of over half a million Kosovar Albanian refugees in neighbouring Albania and in
FYR Macedonia, has created a massive humanitarian disaster and suffering. At the time of the
visit, the precise situation within Kosovo, and the full extent of the human and material
catastrophe, were not known. The international humanitarian organizations and the United
Nations agencies estimate that some hundreds of thousands of people remain displaced within
the province itself, with limited access to food and shelter.
The joint ecumenical visit was welcomed by the churches as a
manifestation of real concern and solidarity, and was organized at a critical and tense time
in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
The international ecumenical organizations should further assist the
churches in Yugoslavia to articulate and communicate their experience and understanding
of the current crisis.
16 April: Travel by plane to Budapest. Overnight
17 April: Travel by minibus from Budapest into the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
Meetings with Protestant church leaders and the Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization in
Novi Sad:
Bishop Istv…n Csete-Szemesi, The Reformed Christian Church in Yugoslavia
Bishop J n Valent, The Slovak Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in
Superintendent Martin Hovan, Evangelical Methodist Church in Yugoslavia
Mr Karoly Beres, Ecumenical Humanitarian Organization
Lunch and visits to sites of bomb damage in Novi Sad.
Fr Andreas (Cilerdzic), External Relation
Bishop Irinej of Backa
Bishop Ignatije of Branicevo
Mr Milivoj Randjic, leader of Serbian Orthodox youth movement
Meeting with Archbishop Franc Perko, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Belgrade.
Dinner and overnight in Belgrade.
Visit to Rakovica Monastery, Belgrade.
Worship and visits in Monastery, damaged by Nato bombing.
Return by minibus from Belgrade to Budapest.
Lutheran Church: 48,000 members, 27 parishes, 13 other communities, 21 pastors (incl. 4
Reformed Church: 18,000 members, 16 pastors, 16 congregations, 34 daughter communities
(without ministers)
Methodist Church: 1000 members, 16 parishes, 8 ordained pastors, 6 lay pastors
Roman Catholic Church: Archbishopric of Belgrade: 10,000 members (excl. Vojvodina and
Serbian Orthodox Church: 6.5 million members, 35 bishops