World Council of Churches (WCC) and
Christian Conference of Asia (CCA)
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Women to
women...... In those days Mary set out, and went with haste to a Judean town in the hill country, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the child leaped in her womb... and she exclaimed with a loud cry, "Blessed are you among women." Mary's first instinct when she knows she is with child, is to run to the home of her elder sister to reveal what the angel has told her. Mary has the courage to share her startling news with another woman. And Elizabeth has the compassion to listen and to offer words of comfort. As sisters in a common struggle, they embrace, bonding with each other and so affirming the power of sisterhood. This was the theological message that inspired our team, as we went to meet the women of Indonesia and East speak and listen to them, to feel with them and learn from their amazing stories of suffering and of deep courage. This is what binds us together as women of the world. "Your story is my story, your story is our story" we repeated as we listened to our sisters' stories. It was the same phrase that the women chanted as they listened to their sisters' testimonies of violence during the Festival to mark the end of the Decade of the Churches in Solidarity with Women (1988-1998), held in Harare, Zimbabwe in November 1998. |
Over the past few years, the WCC Women's Programme has
organised several team visits to situations of war and conflict. The main aim was always to
offer solidarity to the women in those situations who, as women, are often the targets
of very specific forms of violence. Experience has taught us that such violence leaves deep
scars, and that women often continue to live in contexts of intimidation and fear. It is only
when they feel safe that they can speak out about what they have gone through. And
women-to-women visits help create the kind of space where women do feel safe enough to
A February 1999 WCC-CCA team visit to Indonesia reported:
We went to offer international solidarity to the women, to listen to them, and to share their
concerns as expressed in their own words, with the world. A report of our visit would, we
hoped, provide the rationale for continuing support to the women as they begin the effort of
healing and reconciliation, of reconstructing their own lives and those of their
We share this report to draw attention to the situation in Indonesia and East Timor, urging
international solidarity and support for the women and men of these countries in a difficult
time of transition.
We call on the churches and related organisations to support the initiatives of women there to
bring healing and reconciliation to their societies.
We call on governments and UN agencies to respond speedily to the persistent use of rape and
violence to intimidate communities and its use as an instrument of war.
The context:
We were visiting Indonesia after long-awaited general elections for
a democratically formed government. In spite of many fears, the elections were free and fair,
as observed by international teams of monitors; only a very few incidents of election-related
violence were reported. While the final results were not yet known at the time of our visit,
partial results -with about 21% of the votes counted -showed that the ruling Golkar party had
slowly inched into second place and that the main opposition party, the PDI-P (Indonesian
Democratic Party of Struggle), led by the charismatic Megawati Sukarnoputri, was leading
with about 34% of the vote. There was some suspicion about why the vote-counting process
was so slow and on the day we left Indonesia, three weeks after surprisingly peaceful
elections, there was tension, indicating that people's patience was running out.
The issue being discussed everywhere was whether Megawati would be named president when
that decision is taken in November this year. Opinion was divided within her party and outside.
Fundamentalist Muslims were questioning whether a woman could lead the country. However
women by and large saw the possibility of a woman president as a sign of hope for some major
legal and other reforms favouring women. Other women, however, wondered whether any
real change is possible, given that Indonesia is still under the firm control of the World Bank,
the IMF and other international financial institutions. They also saw the implicit power of the
army, which continues to wield control, even within Megawati's party.
The delegation:
Rev. Glynthea Finger, Ecumenical Chaplain, Griffith
University, Brisbane. Formerly Secretary, Education Desk and Coordinator, Women's
Concerns in the CCA.
After a day in Jakarta we divided into two teams. One team went to Ambon and the other to
East Timor, meeting in both places with church leaders, church women, NGOs, women's
organisations, student groups, Muslim and Catholic women, and orders of Roman Catholic
brothers and sisters. We visited refugee camps and met with women survivors of the horrors
of conflict. We are grateful to everyone we met for their willingness to share their
understanding of the situation with us.
"Jakarta's Volunteers Team for Humanity (VTH) reports that 152 Jakarta women were
raped or sexually abused during the May 14 riots. Gang rapes in the victims' homes appear to
have been the pattern, although a number of reports indicate abuse in public places. Of the
total, 20 were reported killed, including nine who were raped and burned. Sixteen others were
said to have been raped in Solo, Medan, Palembang and Surabaya, bringing the number of
cases documented to 168. There could be more unreported cases considering the nature of the
offense, the minority status of the victims and the strong taboos of Indonesian
Our June women-to-women team visit to Indonesia and East Timor was organised in
cooperation with the Christian Conference of Asia and with the full support of the
Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI). On the advice of the PGI, the visit was delayed
until after the country's general elections (see section on context, below).
Ms Margaret den Dulk Barens, Secretary of the Unit on Women in Church and
Society, of the Council of Churches in the Netherlands.
Ms Law Piu Kwan, Joe, Assistant Executive Secretary, Hong Kong Women Christian
Rev. Lolita Dais, General Secretary, Baptist Union of the Philippines Inc.
Ms Stien Jalil, PGI, Jakarta, Indonesia
Rev. Lies Mailoa-Marantika, Ambon, Coordinator, Working Group on Women of the
PGI, Indonesia
Dr. Aruna Gnanadason, Coordinator, Women/Justice Peace and Creation Team, WCC,
It was when we visited Jakarta's destroyed Chinatown and saw the
ruins of one burned-down church that we were first able to sense the impact of the May 1998
riots. The ruins stood as a symbol of the clashes between Christians and Muslims in different
parts of the islands, while the destruction in the Chinese Indonesian section of the city was
symbolic of the ethnic clashes that had further compounded the crisis.
The riots and clashes followed massive protests by the Indonesian student movement in May
last year, calling on Suharto to step down as president. Many students had been killed and
efforts made to crush the spirit of their movement. But it had achieved its immediate goal. In
many ways, May 1998 was a turning point in modern Indonesian history. It has liberated
women and men to call more boldly for reform and change.
Our team recognised the complexity of the crisis. The collapse of the miracle economies of
South-East Asia hit Indonesia hard last year. The student movement demanded an end to the
32-year rule of a president who survived so long thanks to the power of his brutal military
regime. Women often bear the brunt of any economic crisis, and the women we met often
described what happened when the Indoesian Rupiah fell to an all-time low.
We saw the bridge where 27 students were killed by military gunfire. 1198 people lost their
lives; 400 shops were destroyed; cars and other vehicles were set ablaze before order could
be restored. Sporadic incidents of rioting and religious and political conflicts are still
The days of the visit were calm but on 1 July, the day of our departure, there was a clash at
the election commission office with demands that the Golkar party be disqualified.
1. Actions by the churches and women of
2. Voice of the women's movement in
Kalyanmamitra secretary Ita Nadia shared some of her perceptions of what is
happening in Indonesia with us. In the above-mentioned areas, women and children are the
most vulnerable, she says. Stories of horrific violence against women -raping and killing,
bullets in the vagina, destruction of reproductive organs, cutting off nipples -all have been
well documented. The focus is on hurting women's reproductive capacity. The Indonesian
security forces oppressed women as a way of repressing the whole society. When women
emerge as leaders in a strike or dispute, they are violated in the most brutal ways. One
well-known story is that of Morzinah, a labour leader, who was found dead in a field with a
damaged womb.
Ita Nadia insists that domestic violence is related to state violence. There are no laws in
Indonesia against marital violence. In addition, the use of drugs for population control which
are banned in other countries, like Norplant and Depo Provera, is sponsored by the state.
These drugs have been administered to girls as young as 11. Instead of making the necessary
structural changes, this is the state's response to increasing poverty in the rural areas.
The rapes and violence against ethnic Chinese women in May 1998 must be seen in this
context, Ita Nadia thinks. Muslim fundamentalists were used by the military to attack all those
who resist. In order to frighten the community, its most vulnerable members -Chinese women
-had to be violated. She said that among the women raped in Jakarta, a nine-year-old Chinese
girl raped by eight men! It is said that religious slogans were shouted while the women were
raped. Several women who were raped, have now given birth.
None of the women involved dared to complain about rape, let alone go to the police to seek
justice. It has been left to NGOs and religious institutions to support them.
Ita Nadia told us that Indonesian women are tired of the TV and other media coverage.
Nothing has really changed despite all the international coverage. She sees the value of
bringing these issues to international fora, but her focus is on the local scene. She told us she
had no faith in any of the political parties.
b) Solidaritas Perempuan
Commenting on how the Chinese minority were terrorised, Tati Krisnawaty explained that
20% of Jakarta's population and 40% of Kalimantan's are Chinese. 7% of the wealthiest
people in Indonesia are Chinese, and a few of them were known to belong to a corrupt
conglomerate in collusion with government. But none of this legitimised terrorizing this
community, Tati Krisnawaty said.
The Indonesian government denies that women were raped. While you can see riots, broken
and burned down buildings, it is a lot harder to see that women have been raped. The extent
of their trauma is yet to be measured. The child forced to watch her mother raped needs
special trauma treatment; Tati Krisnawaty stressed the need for much more of this work. Her
organisation has found several groups in the Philippines who have developed appropriate
forms of trauma counselling.
She affirmed the role of the new coalition of women's groups dealing with violence against
women and said that the women's struggle in most parts of Indonesia is against the military.
As women have considerable conflict resolution skills, this coalition offers many possibilities.
It plans to bring wives of army personnel and of resistance fighters together for dialogue.
"The women will look at the values they bring together from their different religious
traditions," she said. "They may not have great leadership skills, but they respond from the
heart, with love".
An East Timor Commission on Peace and Stability brings together representatives of the
military, the National Commission on Human Rights, pro-integration and pro-independence
groups. It is an all-male group. When women questioned this, they were laughed at. No one
wants to acknowledge that it is women who bear the brunt of the conflict, Tati Krisnawaty
She said that the situation and needs are similar in Aceh, Irian Jaya and East Timor. They need
crisis centres for the women, attention for internally displaced/refugee women, and to get
women's voices into political discussions on the future.
She then went on to speak about the Indonesian migrant workers living abroad which is her
major concern. Saudi Arabia and Malaysia have the largest numbers of Indonesian women
working either as domestic workers or in the entertainment industry. 13 women were raped in
Saudi Arabia in the last six months and all are now pregnant! Indonesian labour law explicitly
excludes domestic workers. They are seen as "haddam" - slaves; the employer owns the
woman. Even when a wife knows that her husband has raped a domestic worker, she will
continue to make her work. When challenged about violence against women, the Saudi
Arabian ulamas reply: "If you blame Saudi Arabia, you are blaming Islam. A domestic
worker "released" from Saudi Arabia told us that many women put tomato ketchup on their
vaginas as a menstruating woman will not be touched!
Nothing much can be done because contracts are between Indonesia, the receiving country
and the agency. Contracts cover workers' duties, not their rights and protection. Women in
these situations get little support from the receiving country's legal system. Women migrant
workers in Hong Kong who appeal to the courts are blacklisted , repatriated and will not be
allowed in again. In Malaysia, an Indonesian woman worker raped by three policemen
appealed for support to the Indonesian consulate, but was sent back home to face humiliation.
In March 1998, eight women died in Malaysia. When women's groups investigated, they were
told that the women had died in a riot. Migrant women are not a priority between
governments. For these governments, it is trade and political relations that matter.
Tati Krisnawaty also told us about Batam, a smaller island very close to Singapore that was
declared a free-trade zone by President Habibie when he was in the Suharto government.
Women workers going to Singapore and Malysia often transit through Batam, and are
sometimes used as prostitutes for migrant workers who have left their families back on other
islands. The PGI Women's Programme was the first NGO to set up a women's centre on
Batam island.
We met some members of the PGI Executive Board and later the
whole PGI Executive Committee. The PGI has been active since the May incidents. They see
the elections as a new start for Indonesia, and would like to ensure that women can
meaningfully participate.
a) Kalyanamitra:
Kalyanamitra is one of the largest women's NGOs in Indonesia. It has been working for many
years on violence against women, particularly state-sponsored violence. In recent times, the
organisation has focussed on human rights violations against women in the areas of Indonesia
under severe attack -Aceh, East Timor, Jakarta and Irian Jaya. Kalyanamitra has
created a cooperative with 6000 members, largely unemployed women. At the time of the
riots, they too organised communal kitchens to feed the students. Kalyanamitra and
other organisations like it have received death and kidnapping threats.
A chance meeting with Tati Krisnawaty proved to be very helpful. Her organisation,
Solidaritas Perempuan (Women's Solidarity for Human Rights), has been working with
Indonesian migrant workers in general, particularly in collaboration with other Asian migrant
women's organisations. But recent events forced them to also focus on women and
Dark skies, pouring rain and a bumpy landing heralded our arrival
in Ambon in the Mollucas (Malukus). Heavy rain, brooding skies and floods accompanied us
throughout these few days, and the greyness seemed to permeate our being as we looked,
listened, and tried to understand the Ambonese people's experiences during and after the riots
that had shattered their lives and their community from January to March of this year.
The voices we listened to spoke of pain, suffering and great loss; of confusion and uncertainty
as they recalled events and began to look ahead into the future. Until the recent riots, Ambon
enjoyed a tradition where people -Christians and Muslims -live amicably side by side. So we
heard many questions: "Why?" "What happened between us?" "What caused the clashes
pitting neighbour against neighbour, community against community, the destruction of houses,
the taking of lives?"
We viewed the burned down houses, churches and mosques. We listened to the voices
describing those dreadful days. We heard of "rescued" families, of the "rehabilitation"
processes , of plans for "reconciliation" between individuals and local communities, of efforts
to restore the corporate life of the once manese -sweet -Ambon.
1. Voices of refugees and internally
Overcrowding was a serious problem and sanitary conditions were very poor. Individual
families were attempting some privacy by putting up cardboard boxes and other items around
their sleeping area; privacy while bathing or using the toilet was minimal Women told us of the
lack of privacy in sleeping arrangements, their fear when bathing, not enough blankets...
Clothing hung from walls and ceiling or on loosely erected clothelines, patches of dry ground
or on boxes, because of the rain. Sometimes the drying clothes had to be removed so that our
car could get into the camps!
Families were making do with almost nothing since most, if not all, had left their burning
homes with only the clothes they were wearing. Kitchens in the camps were often lean-tos
against the walls of living areas or in small outbuildings where the women had to wait their
turn to cook for their families. Food was scarce, at times; although it was coming in, we were
told that it was not always being distributed fairly amongst the various religious communities
by local government.
The first camp we visited was filled with farmers from a remote village on the other side of
Ambon island. They were attacked during the first riots in January, their houses and church
completely burned to rubble. They had walked two-four nights over the mountains and
through forests to reach safety. They told us that during the night they were guided by the
sparkling eyes of small animals. This spoke to them of God's guidance.
The destruction of their church hit deep into the soul of this community. They have no wish
to return and rebuild their village and their church in an area surrounded by Muslim
communities. Yet relocation means leaving behind the lands of their ancestors. They felt that
reconciliation might be possible in one or two generations, but not now.
Different worries were emphasized at different camps: loss of jobs, lack of money, no
schooling for their children, lack of material goods -bankets, spectacles, vegetables, milk, food
-fears for their own and their children's health and nutrition. There were always a multitude of
worries flooding in to us via the translators.
2. The voice of the
Women from The GPM women's group (Komisi Wanita), and NGOs called LSM
Sofia and BPD Pirwati Maluku described their involvement in the camps, the problems
-including stress-related wife abuse, child abuse and the need for trauma and pastoral
counselling -and how they were trying to solve them. The PGI Women's programme has been
involved in training programmes here.
Meetings organised by the Komisi Wanita helped us piece together the overall story of
the riots and their aftermath, the situation in the camps, what is needed to promote
reconciliation, and ongoing efforts to overcome the prevailing insecurity and fear.
We met the coordinator of the GPM's Rescue, Rehabilitation and Reconciliation (RRR)
Programme of the GPM and the coordinator of the group for the Advocacy of Human Rights.
The coordinator of the RRR Programme described the huge task of relocating displaced
communities, given their fears about living again with Muslims, in spite of a history of peaceful
cohabitation in the past. Scarcity of building materials, their cost, and fair distribution among
the communities involved are other problems.
The coordinator and some lawyers from the GPM's Human Rights Advocacy group helped us
to grasp this dimension of the aftermath of the riots and the work of reconciliation. They were
struggling to ensure justice for those imprisoned by the military at the beginning of the riots in
January. It was becoming clear that justice was going to be hard to achieve, given the fact that
the system is biased.
b) Catholic women
One woman told us about a Catholic high school attended by children of all communities
-Muslim, Protestant and Catholic. A teacher guaranteed all the children's safety and motivated
the Christian students to support rather than attack, to love rather than hate.
Another woman told us that her community remained a "riot-free" zone due to the liaison
work of a Catholic youth leader who forged an agreement with a Muslim youth leader that
there would be no rioting in their community. It was quite a struggle, but they managed to
make the agreement stick. At one point when tempers rose, the women called in a priest to
pray with the youngsters. They brought glasses of water; after praying over the water, they
gave it to the youngsters to drink and cool down their emotions!
A third woman told us that relationships between Christians and Muslims in her office had
deteriorated since the rioting. The Christians were optimistic that everything would return to
normal but the Muslims were more uncertain.
(Ita Nadia had also told us that some Muslims and Christians had prayed together both in
Ambon and in West Kalimantan as a strategy to achieve harmony. This worked, she said,
because they had lived together before, and believed in Pelagadong -a philosophy of
living together as brother and sister. She said that the military's role in provoking ethnic
tensions cannot be completely overlooked; a lot of violence was provoked by power conflicts
within the ruling political party and the military.)
c) Local congregations:
3. Voices of student
A Roman Catholic student told us that women suffered the most in the riots because they were
not protected against the violence. He felt the media did not give a fair account of the events:
what happened were clashes between the two communities, not massacres, as reported. He
wondered why the army was sent in to quell the violence and not the police. The army used
bullets, while tear gas and other less violent police means would have been sufficient. The
families of those who died are crying out for revenge. It would take a whole generation to
recover from the clashes, he said, and added that the government should take strong action
against the smuggling of arms into the Molluccas.
A Student Christian Movement leader wondered where the riots had really started, although
he thought that growing unhappiness with the last 32 years of government rule was a root
cause. More than 75% of the rioters were under 25 years of age. Thus youth need to be
involved in the reconciliation work. Youth organisations -Catholic, Protestant and Muslim
-must together build a vision for the future, he said. Only when the truth comes out, with
confessions of all those involved, can true peace be restored.
Two issues that need to be dealt with are injustice and gender, and loss of spirituality.
Indonesian women have great skills and abilities, but are denied leadership positions. This
must be changed, he stated.
The Muslim student apologised for the fact that more Muslims were not present to meet us.
According to him, the riots were the result of the accumulation of economic and political
power in the hands of an elite few who had abused this power. He felt it was important for
government and religious leaders to work with students, and stressed that each should live
according to the best values in his or her own religious doctrines.
A woman student said that the women in her village tried to stop the rioting, but their pleas
were not heard. Now her anxiety continues because of the army's behaviour towards women.
"They use their arrows to make us women surrender to them, like the American army in
Vietnam." Women need psychiatric and counselling help now, she said. Referring to the
prevailing prejudice against women taking on leadership positions, "God created men and
women too," she said.
Another woman student described the sadistic treatment of women during the riots. Even
now, her parents are afraid of letting her go out freely. An intense discussion developed on the
possibilities of inter-religious marriages. This was the first meeting at which women spoke of
their personal stories of suffering due to the riots.
4. Voices of Muslim
Another woman doctor spoke of the riots' effects on children: malnutrition is rampant.
Pregnant women are giving birth to premature babies due to the lack of proper nourishment
and the tensions they have experienced. Muslim families, like Christian ones, are reluctant to
go back to their homes for fear of retaliation and continuing violence.She felt that social
justice is needed in the communities.
An example of Muslims and Christians working together on common projects was a May 14
effort at interreligious discussion. This was held up as a good sign for the future.
5. Voices of women street
The vendors shared their disappointment that without the necessary collateral, women are
unable to get loans from banks. Some of the women also lost all they owned in the riots. But
in these women, we discovered the amazing resilience and power of women when they work
6. Voices of community
Dr Latuconsina pointed to the gap between rich and poor, and said that the new order is
focussed only on physical development. This is not enough; development should be directed
towards the soul. Yet religious leaders should take some responsibility for not having focussed
more on building a just society, for not having been "watchdogs of social control". He felt that
churches and mosques destroyed during the riots were only symbols of religion; religion itself
could not be destroyed.
Dr Latuconsina was also self-critical. The government did not foresee the riots and was not
prepared to deal with them. He is determined to work with religious leaders on inter-religious
dialogue in order to build a new Pelagadong philosophy, especially as new migrants
have come to the Molluccas from other islands. The balance between Muslims and Christians
was redressed, but many Muslims and Christians have said that they are scared to return to
their homes. If they do not dare to go back, the government will relocate them to other
islands. The refugees are to be relocated by September, but the government lacks the
necessary resources -6000 houses are needed but they have the budget only for 1000!
As well as facilitating interreligious dialogue, the government is planning to organise
counselling for those who have lost their houses or family members, assistance for people in
finding new jobs, and support for teachers and doctors who are frightened to go into some
areas of real need.
b) The leader of the Catholic Church
The Catholic Church is trying to bring different religious groups together to avoid more
division. In a meeting with President Habibie, he had stressed that peace needs justice, that
there is no peace without truth, and that the truth about corruption and collusion needs to
come out.
Bishop Manjadi said that when the local government says it needs the help of religious leaders,
that means it is unable to overcome the problems on its own. Local government is dependent
on central government policy.
Bishop Manjadi was concerned about the way women are used as a commodity, in
pornography, for instance, and about the secularisation of youth.
Women need to recover from the shock of the riots and the atrocities. Only then will they will
be able to start a reconciliation process. "Why us, why this?" was the question we heard
asked again and again. This need to get to the heart of the problem applies especially to the
women who were direct victims. They have been traumatized by the burning and destruction
of homes, churches, mosques, the killing of neighbours and friends, and the coming of the
It will take weeks, months, perhaps longer before the women are able to peel back the layers
of trauma and reach the centre where their personal stories are hidden. For their personal
healing and for community and national reconciliation, their experiences must be uncovered,
named and told. The silence can only be broken by trauma counselling. It will not be easy.
Breaking the silence on violence against women never is.
b) Voice of patriarchy
c) A theology of sacrifice:
These women need to reclaim their own understanding of God, their own experience of this
new violence, and the silencing of their own voices. An Indonesian woman theologian who
spoke to us on the last day of our visit made a lot of sense. Rev. Septemmy Lakawa said that
Indonesian women are still reeling and need a new image of themselves and their
understanding of what happened to them. They need to discover a new voice, she
d) Strong women:
The refugee camps seemed to mirror the dark skies that
accompanied us. We were appalled by the conditions in camps where 200-500 refugee and
displaced persons' families waited to return home, or move to locations on land offered by
other villages, or to completely new locations on other islands of the Molluccas.
a) Protestant Church (GPM)
The team met with several groups associated with the Protestant Church of the Molluccas.
(GPM). They told us about their experiences during the riots, their plans and continuing
anxiety. Again we heard the voices of chaos, pain and suffering.
Listening to members of the Catholic women's organisation, we
discovered that in the midst of the atrocities and since then, they had been reflecting quite
deeply on the situation. After a warm welcome and a beautifully sung prayer, the stories they
shared were stories of hope and optimism.
On Sunday morning we worshipped in a local congregation led by a
woman pastor, who was herself a refugee. The church we worshipped in had housed refugees
before they were placed in the homes of relatives and others. After the service, the largely
refugee and displaced persons' congregation shared their many experiences with us.
We were pleasantly surprised to meet so many young people: 20
young men and three young women. Regrettably, due to communication problems, there was
only one Muslim youth among them.
We deeply valued our meeting with the Ambonese Muslim women's
organization Wanita
Alhidayah, which has been caring for and supporting women and children riot victims. A
medical practitioner described the riots' effects on women's health; Wanita Alhidayah
has also been providing physical, mental and social health care and counselling. She stressed
that religious leaders are needed in the reconciliation process to help ease the anger and help
people create a new situation together. Some young people find it hard to accept the
reconciliation process, it was said.
We also met with about 100 women street vendors in one of the
churches. They are members of a cooperative set up by church women to offer small loans to
women to start their own small businesses. They repay the loans by daily installment, but with
the economic crisis and the riots, their daily earnings are not enough for a decent standard of
a) Governor of the Molluccas
Dr M.S. Latuconsina spent ample time reflecting on the riots with us. Their root cause, he
said, was a combination of politics and economics. Reigion has always played a key role in
ensuring people's development and has contributed to the spread of science and knowledge,
although unfortunately, some schools foster religious fanaticism, he said.
Bishop Petrus Manjadi expressed gratitude for our visit, which he saw as moral support to the
Ambon community. He also felt that the conflict was not a religious one but had political and
socioeconomic roots.
The following personal observations are based on our discussion
reflections together as a team.
a) The hidden voices of women:
We felt we had to peel many layers back to get to the heart of the problem of women in
Ambon. This is something they themselves have only now begun to do. The community is
obviously still reeling from the shock of what had happened to them over the past few
Women's voices are further silenced by patriarchal structures in Indonesian society. In our
visits to the camps, men's voices often overpowered those of women, reducing the latter to
silence. But we could feel their pain and suffering in their partially told stories... and in their
The women's silence is reinforced by a theological perspective that their suffering was part of
God's will and that the riots were a "testing by God". In such a theological environment, how
is it possible for women to break through the barriers to tell what happened to them
personally? Would it not be as if they were speaking against God?
Looking back on what we had seen and heard, we felt that wherever there was strong
leadership -in camps, churches or local congregations - a hopeful atmosphere prevailed. Even
in a pathetic situation, people were filled with courage and fresh hope.
The context:
East Timor was in the hands of the Portuguese for over 400 years
till 1974.
In 1975 a civil war broke out and Indonesia, apprehensive of the Timorese Democratic
Union's communist leanings, with the support of the USA and Australia, occupied the
territory. 200,000 people were killed in the process and, in May 1976, after a so-called act of
self-determination, East Timor was declared a province of Indonesia.
From earlier conversations we knew that, in spite of Habibie's surprise agreement (in January
1999) to a referendum to determine whether East Timor will have autonomy or total
independence, the military is not quite so keen to give up control. To keep their power intact
they have recruited and trained a militia -many of them Timorese young people who have been
made drug-and alcohol-dependent -and use this force to maintain control. In order to cut
supplies to the resistance groups, villagers were forced out of their homes into camps
controlled by the army. Villages were burned, men killed, and countless women raped in the
As we landed in East Timor, we were struck by the beauty of the island -white beaches, clean
blue untouched sea, the vegetation, the hills and the people. But we had come to discover the
violence beneath paradise. From our first to our last meeting, it was the wounds of this island
paradise that we heard of, the fears and uncertainty for the future. But we also encountered a
small but determined group of people of tremendous courage and endurance, people filled
with compassion and hope, convinced that peace and justice will come to this island with its
long history of political, economic and military control.
The church:
The GKTT was independently formed by East Timorese
evangelists. During the time of Portuguese rule, the latter forced Roman Catholicism on the
island. We were told that Protestants who preached were put in jail. Today, 85% of East
Timor's Christians are Roman Catholic. It was only after 1974, when the Portuguese left, that
the GKTT could really grow. It is the only WCC member church in East Timor, and the
largest Protestant Church on the island.
We were met at the airport by the GKTT general secretary Rev. Pas de Consuelos. An airport
banner put up by the military announced: "If you love East Timor, you must love both those
who are for integration and those for independence!" This set the tone for our visit in many
As all the hotels have been taken over by the UNAMET personnel, we were accommodated in
a local church parsonage. Rev. Luis Andre Pinto and his family warmly welcomed us into
their simple home. They have five children of their own, and have three teenage nephews and
a sister-in-law staying with them. The family did all in their power to ensure our comfort; we
were overwhelmed by their generosity.
On sunday we worhipped at, and preached in two local congregations. There were about 400
worshippers at the Indonesian service and about 100 at the worship in Tetun, the language of
the East Timorese. Aftrer the service, two men gave their personal testimonies of the violence
and harassment they had experienced in the hands of the militia.
1. HAK (Foundation on Law, Human
and Justice)
A dynamic young lawyer, Aneceto Guitteraz Lopez, gave us the
following information: HAK was set up in 1976 after the Santa Cruz massacre by army
personnel at the funeral of an East Timorese leader. It began by doing legal aid work. But 23
years of killing, torture and rape convinced a joint committee in Jakarta (including the PGI, the
Catholic Bishops Conference and human rights NGOs) and the churches of the need for a
humanitarian movement. Thus in 1992, HAK began to work on human rights in East
After the May 1999 riots in Jakarta and Suharto's departure from power, there were marginal
changes. But in fact since September 1998, human rights violations have increased. Beneath
the apparent calm, particularly in Dili, there is real fear and tension. Incidents of intimidation,
midnight kidnappings and disappearances continue. Particularly in the western part of East
Timor human rights violations are severe. There is the problem of mass internal displacement
and a desperate need for humanitarian assistance.
The greatest sufferers are women and children. Many whose husbands were killed or escaped
into the mountains live on their own in the villages.They then become targets of militia
harassment. They are questioned about their husbands' whereabouts. Very often they are
raped. Women in refugee camps particularly are targets of sexual violence and are used as the
guarantors for their husbands' return. For the last 23 years, young girls have been abducted
by the militia and many children have been forced into Islam. The transmigration policy has
displaced many Timorese workers. Malnutrition is rampant among the children, who have long
been deprived of education and health care.
East Timor is considered a war zone by the Indonesian army and militia. With the resulting
total collapse of law and order, anything goes. Their claim that there is peace is negated by
the presence of so much intimidation, fear and lack of security. Men cannot return to their
homes because of the insecurity.
For Aneceto Guitteraz Lopez, the only solution to East Timor's problems is political and the
referendum is one step in that process. "Do people really have a choice in a context of
intimidation?" we asked. His answer was that the Timorese have endured a long struggle and
know what is best. They will choose freedom. Roughly 50% East Timorese and 50% settlers
will have the right to vote. The resistance movement has been very disciplined. After the
referendum pro-integrationists will have to learn how to live peaceably with those for freedom.
Strong feelings of revenge are inevitable, but must be controlled by the rule of law and order.
"This is what democracy is about," Lopez said. Organisations like HAK will play a renewed
and important role in the new East Timor, particularly in the area of reconciliation, which
depends on achieving truth, justice and peace.
2. Voices of Catholic
We met with nuns from two Roman Catholic orders working
closely with refugees. Their work in East Timor is impressive. They are operating in remote
villages and also also in the refugee camps. We were told that there are over 4500 women and
children in these camps. The men have run away into the mountains to escape the army and
militia, and the women are left to fend for themselves and their children. We could not visit
the camps because they are under militia control; the latter do not want the story of the
conditions in the camps to be told outside.
The nuns visit the camps twice a week. They feel unable really to help the women to deal with
the trauma or to establish a deeper relationship with them because the militia keep them under
constant surveillance. In spite of this some women have told them about having been
A woman from the troubled area of Liquisa was brought to the sisters for protection by UN
officials. Hers is the story of many women. Her husband ran into the jungle to escape the
militia's wrath for his pro-independence stand. They came to rape her daughter to force her to
tell them where her husband was hiding. She pleaded with them to spare her daughter and
take her instead, which they did, in front of her daughter. She escaped in disguise, and was
brought to the sisters for safety.
We met a group of women who had been raped, only one of whom -the wife of the village
headman with three children -was able to speak to us. Her story too was all too familiar. The
militia had taken everything in their house and then set fire to it. The villagers ran to the
church for safety, but the militia pursued them into the church and killed many. The army and
the police were also involved. She actually saw the slaughter. Her pro-independence husband
was tortured by the militia in front of her and her children. When he could, he ran away into
the hills.
They came back looking for him a few weeks later. When she pleaded that she didn't know
where he was, they accused her of lying and threatened to rape one of her daughters. She
begged them not to so they raped her repeatedly in front of her children. She went to the
commandant's office to protest and was threatened and told to keep silent or they would all be
killed. She escaped to her sister's home with only her children and a bundle of clothes. Her
house has been burned down. Fortunately her husband understands that it was not her fault.
He told her that they all face risks for the sake of freedom, and that she too, as a woman,
needs to face risks.
What she said sounded like a theological statement:
"Such events have been happening for 23 years, but it is only now that the world is paying
attention to us. You have come 23 years too late!" she added.
The nuns estimate that rape has been used systematically to intimidate the community. One
nun said that sex-specific forms of torture are also used. We had also heard in Jakarta that the
militia were using women for prostitution, and had set up "comfort women" camps like those
for Japanese soldiers during World War II. The sisters said that though they had not actually
seen the camps, they had also heard about their existence. More commonly, militia men would
come to a village in the evening and force the women to come with them for a "party". A
woman who now lives in Dili told us that she has eight young women living with her who
escaped from their village for this reason.
The nuns were particularly concerned that there were no crisis centres or trauma counselling
facilities. They are beginning some efforts, but they need help from the Philippines and
Australia, where some efforts are made to prepare women to work with victims of trauma in
conflict situations. Many women are becoming mental wrecks because of the trauma, the
sisters told us.
They are also concerned that other issues will be neglected because of the present crisis.
Domestic violence is rampant in East Timor. Arranged marriages are still the way of the
people here, and women are often seen as men's property. Incest is common in many areas.
Many teachers are leaving and children's education is suffering, particularly for girls, who
need to build up self-confidence in a very patriarchal society. Many doctors are also leaving
and military doctors are taking their place. People are afraid to go to these doctors because of
past experience of forced sterilisation and the use of contraceptives banned in other
Fortunately, AIDS is not yet a problem in East Timor. A sister who has been working in the
medical field told us that they had encountered only one case so far. But the militia are
bringing in prostitutes from other islands, so this may be a problem in the future.
The nuns fear bloodshed after the referendum, and hope the UN will stay. The militia and
army are not going to give up power easily, they said.
This group of overworked women have given strong support group
to women survivors of the violence. They have recorded stories of many women victims of
violence. They have also done voter education. It was in the Fokupers offices that we were
able to speak to women survivors of rape and violence. This NGO is a sign of hope!
4. UN Assistance Mission in East Timor:
Mr Jaoquin Bernado, a senior officer in UNAMET's election office,
told us that 400 personnel have arrived so far. Many are on contract just for the election
period. They have set up eight district offices and hope to open up more. It is difficult to find
accomodation in remote areas, but they plan to reach as many as possible.
There were more men than women monitors. We expressed concern for their safety and were
told that this has been taken into consideration. Each election office will have UN police
officers to maintain peace. UNAMET welcomes non-partisan observers to support their
work. They need more resources and workers to be achieve their objectives, Bernardo
UNAMET is presently working on a Code of Conduct to be signed by all parties to ensure
smooth functioning of the elections. Of course it would help if there was disarmament all
round. NGOs and others are asking for a "neutral zone" to be set up. But this is a political
decision, which, hopefully, will be taken by the politicians.
UNAMET will leave behind a peace-keeping force, and hope there will be no bloodshed after
the referendum. They are aware of the many efforts to discredit the UN presence. When they
arrived in one village, for instance, the militia had given arms to all the villagers, telling them
that the UN had come to take away their rights.
All those who welcomed the UN presence were unsure how far into the interior it will go. The
nuns were unsure how long they and the UN monitors, will be safe as the militia and army are
so brutal; the militia men are often drugged and not even aware of what they are doing.
5. Voices of Indonesians in East
When Indonesia took over East Timor in 1975, a policy of
transmigration forced many Indonesians to move there. Many came as civil servants. Some
wealthy Indonesians came to buy property and take up high-ranking jobs. But the majority are
middle-class and struggling to survive. Many now feel threatened and are leaving. Schools
and hospitals are hard hit, as teachers and doctors leave for safety and security. Even pastors
are leaving. Indonesian church women told us that an anti-integration demonstration in Dili
last year demanded that Indonesians "go home". Some Indonesian women have also been
threatened with rape and violence. Fear was written in their eyes, "This is home to us, we do
not want to leave. We want to live in harmony with the East Timorese," a woman said.
a) Woman pastor in Liquisa
There is a refugee camp in Liquisa for 54 internally displaced families, under the control of the
militia. It is one of the camps where acts of violence took place.
The woman pastor here is Indonesian. The violence has frightened many of the Indonesians
away. Before the April incident, there were 90 families in her congregation whereas now there
are only 20. As a pastor of the church, she finds it difficult to speak openly. She will take a
neutral position and offer prayers for her people to strengthen their faith in God. When we
asked her why she decided to stay, she said: "How can a shepherd leave her sheep?" If
independence is achieved, "If it is my personal decision, I will stay. But my husband is a civil
servant and the decision will depend on him," she added.
Her anxiety was echoed by the other East Timorese Indonesians to whom we spoke.
b) Voices of GKKT church women
There are few women in positions of authority in the GKKT Synod and it has never discussed
gender issues. They do have an income generation programme for rural women, who are poor
because they depend on only one crop a year, have limited skills, because families spend too
much on traditional practices such as marriage feasts and death and other traditional
celebrations. The GKKT church women will need to focus on encouraging poor women to be
part of the church, helping community members to accept one another, and attempting to
bridge the many divisions among women.
It was only at the very end of the meeting that some of the church women leaders voiced their
own fears and concerns. Many Indonesians are leaving the country. "How can we leave our
sisters and brothers alone to face the future? This is our country and we have the right to
stay," one woman said.
Two women who came to the airport to see us off obviously also wanted to talk to us. They
told us that Indonesian women also face constant harassment. A demonstration last year in Dili
called for the settlers to leave East Timor and this caused a big exodus.
A journalist we met highlighted the dichotomy between the Indonesian settlers and East
Timorese. We also heard strong concern that some GKKT members, rather than serve all their
members, focus only on the independence issue. In many districts, congregations feel quite
alone and people are leaving. In the resulting vaccuum, some women have taken on leadership
6. Other issues and
Many people ask questions about the future. How can there be
healing and reconciliation after the referendum? How can people live together in harmony?
What of the militia, who have been trained to be brutal? What kind of a reconciliation process
do they look for? Aneceto Guiterraz Lopez of HAK saw the referendum as only one step in a
long process. "Democratisation and reconciliation require truth, justice and peace. The issue
is not only to deal with the past but to move forward in an environment where past mistakes
can never happen again."
Monsignor Albrecht, an advisor to [Roman Catholic] Archbishop Belo on the refugee
situation, expressed the same sentiment. His concern was that decisions taken at the top level
of government, with military and resistance leaders do not trickle down to the lower levels.
Even good decisions taken in Jakarta will be of no use if the militia at the lowest level is not
informed. Commenting on militia brutality, he said that even if food is sent into the camps, the
militia use it to control votes. He doubted that people would be allowed to exercise free
choice, and recollected what happened in Irian Jaya, even under UN supervision. Monsignor
Albrecht was concerned that the Indonesian army has been systematically trained in the US to
deal with subversion and counter-subversion.
Impact of the conflicts on
Our visit was also intended to look at the impact of the conflict on
children. We were told that at least there were no child soldiers in this conflict. This is
something to be happy about. But of course children, do bear the consequences of the war and
conflict. Everywhere we went, we were told about malnutrition -the food scarcity affects
children most. Their education has also been interrupted. In the places where there have been
ethnic clashes, as in Ambon, schools have been closed down, or parents are too afraid to send
the children to school. In East Timor, where Indonesians are leaving the island, many children
have been forced to stay home as there are not enough schools.
Perhaps the worst consequence is the trauma caused by having actually witnessed and
experienced violence. In some places, for instance, children were forced to watch their father
being tortured or their mother being raped. That memory will be hard to erase. Children need
trauma counselling too.
But children experience the war in other ways as well. "Gang-wars" among teenage groups,
often ignited by political parties, are increasing. More and more children are moving onto the
streets of Jakarta and other cities. And as we have indicated earlier, 60% of people directly
involved in the conflict are young people.
JAKARTA: Closing session with church
NGO women
Our final meeting in Jakarta was with a group of women from a
cross-section of church-related Jakarta groups and NGOs invited by the PGI Women's
Programme. After a prayer by one of the first women to be ordained in Jakarta, we shared our
preliminary thoughts about our visits to Ambon, East Timor, and Jakarta.
Septemmy Lakawa, an Indonesian woman theologian said women were still in shock and feel
helpless. She said that what is needed is a new theological metaphor for women, a new image
of women and of the female body. When a woman says, "I am ready to be raped, ready to kill
him, so long as my daughter is not touched", does not this question the Christian principle that
killing is a sin? The silence of the church and of government makes things even more difficult
for us as women. We do not yet have a language to express what we feel and understand
about what happened to us. We don't know how to name the situation. We must
educate women that we have a right to live, a right to build for ourselves a new metaphor for
We heard that many raped women are in a bad state because of lack of counselling. Some of
them have given birth, but the government has chosen to ignore them, and denies that rapes
took place during the riots!
We heard about a crisis centre in Jakarta called Sabahat Peduli, (Friends who care).It
was set up by an interfaith coalition of women's groups. The psychology department of the
University has also set up a support structure for women victims of violence. They provide a
hotline service for victims of rape, prostitution and also of domestic violence. They play an
advocacy role and provide counselling services. These efforts are important because they go
beyond any one religious group. Aware of the urgent need to train counsellors, the University
is undertaking this. They work closely with the church women's network and other religious
groups. This coalition needs to be strengthened and church women should network with other
NGOS locally, nationally, regionally and internationally in order to work for
One woman said that after 33 years of state violence against people, there seems to be a shift
to people-to-people violence. This is more difficult to tackle. The church must be more
articulate in defence of human rights and needs to take a bolder political position.
It was recognised that although Christian women are a minority, Muslim women also suffer.
In Aceh, religious leaders and the army blocked access to the Muslim women. It is here that
work with inter-faith groups such as Sabahat Peduli becomes important. Christian
women need to recognise that their story is our story too.
They also said that the present crisis must not divert attention from other concerns. Among
other issues raised were:
This experience has given me a new perception of my womanhood and my power. I know
that almost every other woman in my village has had a similar experience of violence. I am
determined to fight for the life of other women. Men may fight with guns, but as a woman I
will fight with the power that I have gained out of my suffering, by raising my voice.
The nuns mentioned other cases. One woman had four children, each fathered by a different
militiaman! Another woman we met had given information to the resistance fighters about
military movements and was jailed for five years and raped.
Liquisa is a small town some 37 km. from Dili where provocative pamphlets have been
distributed since January. After Easter this year, a militia-provoked clash erupted between
pro-integrationist and pro-independence groups. When the shooting began, the people ran to
the church for safety. Officially it was announced that five people were killed, but the Catholic
parish priest put the numbers at 25.
Some 20, mainly Indonesian, women leaders from various Dili congregations came to meet us
at the GKKT headquarters. It was difficult to open the discussion and encourage the women
to tell us what they really feel in the present situation. They talked a lot about poverty and
how this affects all their work.
1. We call on the WCC, the CCA, member churches, agencies and
all concerned to continue to support the PGI, its member churches and Christians in Indonesia
and East Timor, who are struggling to respond to the complex situation in which they find
themselves. They need our solidarity, and resources, to continue thir work.
2. We call on the WCC, the CCA, member churches and all concerned to continue their
support to the refugees and internally displaced people in different parts of Indonesia and East
Timor. We urge that special attention be paid to the plight of women and children, who bear
the main brunt of the crisis and its aftermath.
3. We call on the WCC and the CCA to continue to challenge governments, through the UN
and related bodies, to condemn state-sponsored violence against women, and particularly the
use of rape as a weapon in war and conflict. We saw how rape is used as a form of
intimidation to suppress and silence whole communities. This must be roundly condemned,
and stopped.
4. We call on the WCC, the CCA and churches to provide resources and facilities for trauma
counselling, by supporting crisis centres; pastoral counselling centres, inter-faith counselling
and training, in particular of women survivors of the violence.
5. We call on support for the PGI Women's Programme which has initiated excellent work in
many troubled parts of Jakarta, Ambon, East Timor and other parts of the islands, to provide
training for women for empowerment, and for reconciliation and justice. We commend the
work of the PGI Women's Committee in providing shelter, counselling and support to women
survivors of the violence.
6. We call on the world community to join us in prayer for the women and children and men
of these troubled islands. A worship order for the World Day of Prayer 2000 has been
prepared by Indonesian women under the theme Talitha Cumi -Young Woman
Arise.The women of Indonesia urge us as we pray to remember them in this time of struggle,
and not to forget them after the year 2000.
Appreciation and
Our special thanks go to the general secretary of the PGI, Rev. Dr
Pattiasina, to the
programme executive of the PGI Women's Programme, Rev. Lily Danes, and to Ms Stien Jalil
of the PGI for their careful planning of our programme in Jakarta, Ambon and East Timor. We
also express our thanks to the GKTT in East Timor and the GPM in Ambon for their
As a team, we are grateful to everyone we met and spoke to for their willingness to share their
understanding of what is going on with us. We thank all the women who courageously told us
their stories of violence and pain, and gave us their perspectives on what is happening.
We came to Indonesia and East Timor to listen, to show the women there that we care. As a
team, we left deeply moved by our experience, and strongly committed to transmitting the
stories we had heard to anyone and everyone who cares to listen and respond.
As reported by the women-to-women team
1 July 1999