to the

UN Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms
& Light Weapons in All Its Aspects

We invite you to join our efforts to reveal the negative and very real impact of small arms and expose the need for urgent and far-reaching action to control gun running.
If you are in the New York area, join us at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza on July 17th for a public event to raise awareness about the devastating effects of small arms.

Follow the events at the UN Conference through the regular updates posted on the WCC microdisarmament

Send us photos, postcards, letters, artwork and stories and we will add them to the Wall of Pain, a 10 metre long visual demonstration of the effects of armed violence in our societies.
Write a letter to your Foreign Minister, asking him or her to attend the conference and lobby for effective solutions. Also, urge your government to participate in "Small Arms Destruction Day" on 9 July 2001 to mark the opening day of the conference.
Study and share the WCC Policy, Framework and Guidelines on Small Arms and Light Weapons (available on the WCC website) with your constituents and government.
Send us stories of how you have taken steps to overcome armed violence. We will post them on our website and share them with government delegations and NGO's at the conference.

Before or during the conference, hold a prayer service for victims of armed violence in your community and around the world.


Show that you are concerned with the proliferation of small arms and light weapons in our society by signing this online petitition and demanding that governments take responsibility to stop the uncontrolled spread and misuse of small arms and light weapons.
Click to sign the Online Petition!

For more information and to share your stories please contact Sarah Estabrooks at or
fax: +41 22 791 6122.

Send materials before 6 July 2001 for inclusion on the Wall of Pain to:
World Council of Churches
US Office
475 Riverside Drive, Room 915
New York,
NY 10015-0050

Peacebuilding & disarmament    Peace to the city    Decade to Overcome Violence

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