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the Eighth Assembly |
The following is a Litany of Recommitment to be used in the 50th Anniversary and Recommitment Service at the Eighth Assembly of the World Council of Churches. This service will take place on 13 December 1998 in Harare, Zimbabwe. Further information about the service will be posted on this site.
Jesus Christ, who has called us to be one, is in our midst!
As Christians from every part of the world, we give thanks
that the triune God has drawn our churches closer together
in faith and life, witness and service.
We celebrate the 50th anniversary of the World Council of Churches ---
"a fellowship of churches which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour
according to the scriptures
and therefore seek to fulfil together their common calling
to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit".
We are drawn by the vision of a church
that will bring all people into communion with God and with one another,
professing one baptism,
celebrating one holy communion,
and acknowledging a common ministry.We are drawn by the vision of a church
which will express its unity by confessing the apostolic faith,
living in conciliar fellowship,
acting together in mutual accountability.We are challenged by the vision of a church
that will reach out to everyone,
proclaiming the good news of God's redemption,
a sign of the kingdom and a servant of the world.We are challenged by the vision of a church,
the people of God on the way together,
confronting all divisions of race, gender, age or culture,
striving to realize justice and peace,
upholding the integrity of creation.
We journey together as a people freed by God's forgiveness.
In the midst of the brokenness of the world,
we proclaim the good news of reconciliation, healing and justice in Christ.We journey together as a people with resurrection faith.
In the midst of exclusion and despair,
we embrace, in joy and hope, the promise of life in all its fullness.We journey together as a people of prayer.
In the midst of confusion and loss of identity,
we discern signs of God's purpose being fulfilled
and expect the coming of God's reign.
We long for the visible oneness of the body of Christ,
affirming the gifts of all,
young and old, women and men, lay and ordained.We expect the healing of human community,
the wholeness of God's entire creation.We trust in the liberating power of forgiveness,
transforming enmity into friendship
and breaking the spiral of violence.We open ourselves for a culture of dialogue and solidarity,
sharing life with strangers
and seeking encounter with those of other faiths.This is our commitment:
We intend to stay together and are restless to grow together in unity.
We respond to the prayer of Jesus Christ
that all may be one in order that the world may believe (John 17:21).
We are sustained by the assurance
that in God's purpose all things shall be united in Christ ---
things in heaven and things on earth (Ephesians 1:10).We affirm that what unites us is stronger than what separates us.
Neither failures nor uncertainties
neither fears nor threats
will weaken our intention to continue to walk together on the way to unity,
welcoming those who would join us on this journey,
widening our common vision
discovering new ways of witnessing and acting together in faith.We recommit ourselves in this 50th anniversary year to strengthen the World Council of Churches.
as a truly ecumenical fellowship,
fulfilling the purposes for which it was founded ---
to the glory of the triune God.
Terry MacArthur, Worship Consultant World Council of Churches P.O. Box 2100 1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland
Tel.: (+41.22) 791 6486 |
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World Council of Churches Eighth Assembly 3 - 14 December Harare, Zimbabwe
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