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We, the people and churches in Africa, give thanks for the manifold blessings bequeathed upon us by God.
We acknowledge that African leaders have committed crimes against their own kith and kin in the past and at present times.
We repent now of our sins against each other and beseech you O God to heal our land and deliver us from all evil.
Our hearts are yearning to be freed from despair so that we may endure in faith, because of God’s promise to restore our dignity and fulfil all our dreams.
May God grant us the wisdom and knowledge to harness the growing public goodwill towards a new vision of life for our people in Africa and for the rest of the world.
Let us renew our faith in the God of love in whom our future is safe and our grief is turned into great joy.
We, African people on the continent and in the diaspora,
Having been reminded afresh of our difficult past.
But, inspired by the stories of resistance with courage and sacrifice of our foreparents,
And empowered by the signs of hope such as increasing acceptance of democratic governance, the end of the apartheid regime, and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa,
We hereby renew our commitment to reconstruct and rebuild our communities and work tirelessly for a future of Africa full of life in abundance. We commit ourselves to:
We therefore renew our covenant with God in fulfilling these promises and invite men and women of goodwill, and especially this Assembly, to accompany us in this journey of hope.
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